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In 2023, projects and people at Leipzig University received more than 9.3 million euros in funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This is an increase of almost 100,000 euros compared to 2022. As a result, Leipzig University climbed from seventh to sixth place, directly behind the universities in Berlin, Munich and Dresden. Every year, the DAAD publishes a funding ranking of the 100 German higher education institutions that receive the most funding.

Of the total funding, 7.4 million euros went to projects and programmes and 1.9 million euros to individuals, i.e. students and researchers. Looking more closely at the funding figures by region, Africa accounts for the largest share of funding (23 per cent). In terms of projects, development cooperation – such as the ACCESS project managed by the SEPT Competence Center – received the most funding after Erasmus+ with 830,000 euros. This shows that Leipzig University has been cooperating successfully with African partners for decades in various projects and degree programmes, for example in Global Studies.

“I am delighted that we have once again achieved one of the top spots. In my view, this is largely due to the fact that many international protagonists are committed to the cause and that we have designed our consulting services to be as ‘client-focused’ as possible,” explains Dr Svend Poller, Head of the International Centre. “Over the past thirteen years, Leipzig University has always been in the top ten of the DAAD funding rankings. This excellent position once again emphasises our outward-looking character and the international connections of the people at Leipzig University.”