The SaxFDM state initiative has been a bottom-up initiative of Saxon research institutions since 2019 with the aim of promoting networking and cooperation in relation to research data management (RDM) in Saxony and offering RDM services at state level. The members come together in the three working groups "Knowledge Transfer and Consultancy", "Technical Services" and "Events". The initiative is also supported by a competence team and managed by a group of speakers.

What does SaxFDM do?

Event organisation

SaxFDM regularly organises events on the subject of RDM. One highlight is the annual SaxFDM conference, which highlights the latest developments in RDM. This is complemented by the monthly SaxFDM Digital Kitchen. In these one-hour online sessions, you can find out about the latest developments in RDM and join in the discussion. You will have the opportunity to discuss current challenges and best practices with other participants and deepen your knowledge in specific areas of RDM.

Advice for researchers and research support staff

The SaxFDM competence team, which acts as the operational unit of the initiative, also offers comprehensive support in the field of RDM for members of universities, research institutes and other research organisations based in Saxony. You can use an appointment booking tool to request consultations on general questions regarding the handling of research data, but also specifically in relation to the planning and implementation of research data management measures. To this end, the SaxFDM competence team cooperates with local and subject-specific RDM advice centres in order to be able to call in further expertise if required. Example topics from consulting practice include

  • Consultations on data management planning
  • Information on RDM as part of the application process
  • Development of an RDM concept for collaborative projects

Consultancy for research institutions

In addition to researchers, the SaxFDM competence team also advises universities and research institutions on setting up an institutional RDM and provides support on the following topics, for example:

  • Analysing the current status of RDM at the respective institution

  • Discussing the long-term goals for RDM implementation

  • Supporting the implementation of these measures

Further training and roadshows

In addition to consulting, the SaxFDM competence team organises training events and train-the-trainer workshops for researchers and research support staff. In addition, you can request roadshows, which are organised on site at the respective Saxon institutions. The content of the roadshows is modular and can be flexibly adapted to the specific needs of the respective institution. On-site consultations are also possible as part of these events. The bookable topic modules include, among others

  • Research data management: why, why, why - and above all how?

  • Research data management in project proposals and data management planning

  • Data management in collaborative projects

  • New DFG Code (GSP) - what does it mean for the handling of research data?

Focus projects

Furthermore, four independently working focus projects are dedicated to the conception, evaluation and implementation of specific RDM topics and services (e.g. DMP tool, repository), which are to be integrated into Saxony's RDM service landscape:

  • ANNO (Anthropological Notation Ontology). Terminologies & services for historical and forensic anthropology,

  • OpARA4Saxony - expansion of the OpARA research data repository as a Saxony-wide service,

  • Pudel (publication service for scientific data models and vocabularies)

  • SaxFDM-DMP - Tool for data management planning.


To the SaxFDM website

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