- Profile
- Structure
- Rectorate
- Senate
- Extended Senate
- University Council
- Faculties and Institutions
- IT-Governance
- Museums, collections and music
- Egyptian Museum
- Museum of Classical Antiquities
- Special Collections of the University Library
- Prehistoric and Protohistoric Collection
- “Religious and Ideological Pluralism in Germany” Documentation Centre
- Botanical Garden
- Herbarium Universitatis Lipsiensis
- Zoological Teaching and Study Collection
- Mineralogical and Petrographic Collection
- Geological and Palaeontological Collection
- Pathology Teaching Collection
- Medical History Collections
- Veterinary History Collection
- Anatomy Teaching Collection
- Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Collection
- Kustodie
- University Music
- Museum of Musical Instruments
- Map Collection
- Administration and Offices
- Commissioners and Representatives
- Working at Leipzig University
- Service
- Media and communications
- News Portal
- Find an expert
- Event Portal
- Medienspiegel
- Fotoservice
- Corporate Design
- Unishop
- Regulations and Elections
- Ausschreibungen und Vergaben
- Kontakte
- Guest Houses
- Support for Refugees
- Media and communications
- Alumni
- Prospective Students
- Current Students
- Graduates
- Guidance and Services