The Deutschlandstipendium is the name given to a programme of financial support set up by the German government. It is aimed at high-performing students who have demonstrated great potential or already achieved outstanding results at university or work. Besides a person’s performance and personal achievements, the programme takes into account social commitment, the willingness to assume responsibility, and special social, family or personal circumstances. Worth 300 euros per month, scholarships are funded in equal parts by the Federal Government and private sponsors.

The application deadline for the winter semester 2024/25 has expired.

Information on the next deadline (presumably for the winter semester 2025) can be found here in due time.

The Deutschlandstipendium at Leipzig University

The deadline for the winter semester 2024/25 has expired and the application portal is closed. You can also find further information in our call for applications.

Information on the next deadline (presumably for the winter semester 2025) can be found here in due time.

  • All existing and new students of our university can apply.
  • The scholarship is intended to support particularly talented and high-performing students. It also takes into account special successes, extracurricular activities and personal or social circumstances.

  • The monthly scholarship amount is 300 euros, half of which is funded by a private sponsor (companies, institutions or individuals) and half by the German government.

  • Scholarships are awarded for a minimum of two semesters and no longer than the degree programme’s standard period of study.
  • The scholarship is independent of other income. It is not deducted from BAföG and is tax-free.
  • Applicants are selected by the award commissions at the University’s faculties, with the scholarships subsequently approved by the Rectorate.
  • The application and selection procedure is based on the Rules on Granting Scholarships under the National Scholarship Programme (Deutschlandstipendium) at Leipzig University, and the Scholarship Programme Act (StipG) and the Ordinance on Implementing the Scholarship Programme Act (StipV) of the Federal Government.
  • A Deutschlandstipendium cannot be awarded to someone who already receives other talent- or performance-based support in excess of 30 euros per month during the funding period.

If you are already receiving a Deutschlandstipendium you have the opportunity to submit a continuation declaration or an application for an extension via the application portal.

Continuing your scholarship beyond the approved period is only possible if:

  • the continuation period is within the standard period of study
  • the sponsor makes funds available beyond the period of the grant.

The following deadlines apply:

  • To continue a scholarship beyond 31 March, the documents must be received by 30 November of the previous year.
  • To continue a scholarship beyond 30 September, the documents must be received by 15 May of the year.

The faculties’ award committees will examine whether your talent and performance justify continuing the scholarship. Your academic achievements are particularly important here. The decision also takes into account special personal circumstances, commitment, internships, and particular successes and awards.

In the event that there are not enough funds available, your application for continuation of the scholarship will automatically be considered as a new application for the Deutschlandstipendium.

Please note that completing a bachelor’s degree will result in your scholarship being terminated. If you subsequently start a master’s degree, you will need to reapply for the Deutschlandstipendium if desired.

If you exceed your standard period of study, it is only possible to continue the scholarship in exceptional cases. Reasons may include:

  • Disability
  • Pregnancy
  • Caring for and raising a child
  • A period abroad related to your field of study.

If such an exceptional case applies to you, please submit a justified application for your scholarship to be extended via the application portal noting the deadlines (15 May and 30 November).

It is important that you provide credible proof of the reasons given for the extension.

enlarge the image: Stipendiatengruppenfoto 2023
Deutschlandstipendium summer festival 2023, Foto: Christian Hüller

Information for sponsors

Support talented and committed students at Leipzig University. Help to ensure that young people can develop their talents unhindered and at the same time strengthen Leipzig as a university city. Get in touch with “your” scholarship holders and other sponsors and become part of a growing network. By contributing, you are investing in the future and making an effective commitment to young talent.

Become a sponsor

With a donation of 1800 euros per year, you take over part of a Deutschlandstipendium. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) doubles this amount. Each scholarship holder thus receives 300 euros per month.
Simply complete the funding agreement and send it to us by post or email.

Funding agreement
PDF 184 KB

You are also welcome to make a smaller contribution towards a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. These donations are combined by the University Society for Friends and Supporters of Leipzig University (Universitätsgesellschaft - Freunde und Förderer der Universität Leipzig e.V.) and awarded as a collective scholarship for the next academic year.

Please use the following bank details if you would like to make a partial donation to a scholarship under the Deutschlandstipendium programme:
Recipient: Universitätsgesellschaft - Freunde und Förderer der Universität Leipzig e.V.
Payment reference: Spende KW - 2073 Deutschlandstipendien
IBAN: DE98 8608 0000 0118 7867 01
BIC: DRESDEFF860 (Commerzbank AG Leipzig)

  • You come into contact with talented and high-performing students, letting you shape the next generation of skilled workers.
  • You can choose an academic discipline or degree programme from 14 faculties.
  • You arouse interest in your company.
  • You show solidarity with the University and Leipzig as a location.
  • You promote bright young minds to help tackle the crucial questions of the future.
  • You and your company will be named in connection with the Deutschlandstipendium programme.
  • You can attend the meeting of the selection committee.
  • You will receive a donation receipt; the sponsorship is tax-deductible.
  • You can advertise that you are a partner of the Deutschlandstipendium programme.

Recipient: Universität Leipzig
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
Payment reference: 28231 - Deutschlandstipendien
IBAN: DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22

Please enter a payment reference. Otherwise, we may be unable to match your donation to your name! Donations are tax-deductible. We issue donation receipts for amounts of 200 euros or more. We will require your address for this. For donations of less than 200 euros, the tax authorities will accept your bank statement as proof of your donation.

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