As a political scientist and historian, I am mainly interested in two sets of topics:
First, the development of continental and regional organisations in Africa (especially the African Union and the RECs), the policies of these organisations in the fields of governance, peace and security, and the role of Africa's regional organisations in globalisation processes. I locate my research at the intersection of historical and sociological institutionalism and practice therory.
Second, I follow more closely developments in South Africa and Southern Africa, as well as in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Here, too, I follow a deductive, comparative, and historicizing approach.
Professional career
- 01/2025 - 12/2028
visiting professor, Dept. Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark - since 06/2022
director Centre for French Studies, Leipzig University - 01/2018 - 12/2021
director Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences, Research Academy Leipzig - 01/2016 - 12/2024
co-director of the Integrated Doctoral Training Programme of the DFG CRC 1199 (with U. Wardenga, IfL) - since 01/2012
visiting professor at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa U, Ethiopia - since 01/2011
professor extraordinary in the Dept. of Political Science, Stellenbosch U, South Africa - 01/2011 - 01/2018
co-director of the DFG Priority Programme 1448 “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa. Technologies and Significations in the Production of Order and Disorder” (with R. Rottenburg, U Halle) - since 01/2008
dual membership in the faculties of Social Science and Philosophy, and History, Arts and Regional Studies, resp. - since 07/2006
Professor "Politics in Africa" at the Institute of African Studies, Faculty of History, Art and Regional Studies (GKO), Leipzig U - 01/2006 - 01/2016
director of the DFG Doctoral Training Programme (Graduiertenkolleg) 1261 “Critical Junctures of Globalisation” - 10/2005 - 01/2010
appointed DAAD Willy Brandt professor, Stellenbosch U, South Africa (not able to accept) - 04/1999 - 06/2006
assistant professor „Politics in Africa“ at the Institute of African Studies, Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies (GKO), Leipzig U (10/1998-03/1999 acting) - 01/1994 - 01/1997
research associate at the Dept. of History, U Hannover & Institute for African Studies, Hamburg - 01/1989 - 01/1992
research associate, Institute of Political Science, U Hamburg
- 06/1998 - 10/1999
Habilitation (“The Africa policy of the Federal Republic of Germany 1949-1999”; venia legendi: political science), U Hamburg - 09/1989 - 01/1994
Dr. phil. (“The Policy of Zimbabwe”), U Hamburg Foreign - 10/1981 - 01/1987
Diploma political science (“The developmental programme discussion in the SPD 1982-1987”), U Hamburg
Research interests
- international and regional organisations, in particular the African Union and the RECs/RMs, African Peace and Security Architecture, African Governance Architecture
- conflict prevention, early warning, preventive diplomacy, and conflict analysis
- German Africa policy (foreign affairs, development assistance, security policy)
- political developments in South Africa (and Southern Africa) as well as in Ethiopia (and the Horn of Africa, East Africa)
- social cohesion in Africa
Methodological focus
Global Studies, International Studies, critical area studies, transregional studies, spatial turn
- SFB 1199/B07: Interregionalism and Security in the Sahel: The African Union, ECOWAS, and the European UnionEngel, UlfDuration: 01/2020 – 12/2023Funded by: DFG Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe); Institut für Afrikastudien; SFB 1199: Verräumlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen
- Political populism in Southern AfricaEngel, UlfDuration: 06/2020 – 05/2024Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
- Engel, U. (Ed.)Yearbook on the African Union. Volume 2 (2021).Leiden, Boston MA: Brill. 2022.ISBN: 978-90-04-52600-6
- Engel, U.; Döring, K.; Herpolsheimer, J.; Gelot, L. (Eds.)Researching the Inner Life of the African Peace and Security ArchitectureLeiden, Boston MA: Brill. 2021.ISBN: 978-90-04-46677-7
- Engel, U. (Ed.)Yearbook on the African Union. Volume 1 (2020)Leiden, Boston MA: Brill. 2021.ISBN: 978-90-04-49890-7
- Engel, U. (Ed.)Yearbook on the African Union. Volume 3 (2022)Leiden, Boston MA: Brill. 2023.
I teach in the following five programmes: BA Afrikastudien, MA African Studies, MA Global Studies, MA Global Studies with a special emphasis on peace and security (in Addis Ababa), and MA Sustainable Development. Furthermore, I teach in the PhD programmes of the Graduate School of Global and Area Studies (GSGAS), the Integrated Graduate School of the CRC 1199 and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (Addis Ababa).
BA 03-AFR-1300 Vorlesung "Politik in Afrika" (WS)
BA 03-AFR-1300 Übung "African Futures"
MA 03-AFR-2102 seminar "The State in Africa: Debates from Southern Africa" (winter term)
This seminar briefly recaps the evolution of theorizing on "the state" in Africa. The main focus is on recent case studies from Southern Africa, including the land question in Zimbabwe and South Africa, nation-building through hosting mega sports events in South Africa, "state capture" in South Africa, resource extraction and corruption in Angola, traditional authority in Botswana, transnational organised crime in Mozambique, regional integration in Southern Africa (SADC), etc.
MA 03-AFGR-2012 lecture "International Studies" (winter term)
This lecture is an introduction to debates on globalisation processes. After a brief reflection on traditional approaches, three main debates are introduced to decentre the conventional wisdom: postcolonial thinking, critical area studies, and critical political geography. The illustrations are mainly drawn from the African continent.
MA AFR 2111 seminar "Governance, Peace, and Security in Africa" (summer term)
This seminar is taking stock of the state of peace, security, and governance in Africa. It addresses the current African Union-led dynamics of the implementation of the complementary African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and African Governance Architecture (AGA). Case studies focus on the Sahelo-Saharian region, the Horn of Africa, and Southern Africa.
Research fields
Historical science, Global studies, African studies, Politics, political science, Society
Contact for media inquiries
Phone: +49 341 97-37038
Fax: +49 341 97-37048