Prof. Dr. Helga Pfannkuche

Prof. Dr. Helga Pfannkuche

Wiss.Mitarbeiterin/Tierärztin (apl.Prof.)

An den Tierkliniken 7/7a
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38064

  • Cholinergic modulation of epithelial integrity in porcine proximal colon
    Pfannkuche, Helga
    Duration: 08/2011 – 12/2016
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Veterinär-Physiologisches Institut; Physiologie
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  • Dengler, F.; Rackwitz, R.; Pfannkuche, H.; Gäbel, G.
    Coping With Hypoxia: Adaptation of Glucose Transport Mechanisms Across Equine Jejunum Epithelium
    Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2018. pp. 1–10.
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  • Dengler, F.; Rackwitz, R.; Pfannkuche, H.; Gaebel, J.
    Glucose transport across lagomorph jejunum epithelium is modulated by AMP-activated protein kinase under hypoxia
    Journal of applied physiology. 2017. 123 (6). pp. 1487–1500.
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  • Kaiser, B.; Boettner, M.; Wedel, T.; Brunner, R. M.; Goldammer, T.; Lesko, S.; Gäbel, G.; Gleich, A.; Pfannkuche, H.
    Establishment and Characterization of an SV40 Large T Antigen-Transduced Porcine Colonic Epithelial Cell Line
    Cells Tissues Organs. 2017. 203 (5). pp. 267–286.
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  • Masur, F.; Benesch, F.; Pfannkuche, H.; Fuhrmann, H.; Gäbel, G.
    Conjugated linoleic acids influence fatty acid metabolism in ovine ruminal epithelial cells
    Journal Of Dairy Science. 2016. 99 (4). pp. 3081–3095.
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  • Steinhoff-Wagner, J.; Schoenhusen, U.; Zitnan, R.; Hudakova, M.; Pfannkuche, H.; Hammon, H. M.
    Ontogenic Changes of Villus Growth, Lactase Activity, and Intestinal Glucose Transporters in Preterm and Term Born Calves with or without Prolonged Colostrum Feeding
    PLOS ONE. 2015. 10 (5).
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