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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Häckl

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Häckl

Institute Head

Institute of Public Finance and Public Management (PFPM)
Neues Augusteum
Augustusplatz 10
04109 Leipzig


Dennis Häckl has occupied the newly established assistant professorship for Health Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economic Sciences since January 2022. He received his doctorate with distinction on the topic "New Technologies in Health Care: Frameworks and Actors. An institutional economic analysis of the diffusion of innovations using the example of telemedicine" at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. He subsequently researched and taught at the Technical University of Dresden and currently still holds teaching positions at Dresden International University. J.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Häckl is the founding managing director of the WIG2 Institute (Scientific Institute for Health Economics and Health System Research). Furthermore, Dr. Häckl is involved in ISPOR - The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research and is a member of the German Society for Health Economics (dggö).

Professional career

  • since 02/2014
    Founding Managing Director, WIG2 Institute (Scientific Institute for Health Economics and Health Systems Research)
  • 10/2013 - 09/2015
    Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, TU Dresden
  • 08/2013 - 01/2014
    Head of Health Policy and Health Economics Team, Gesundheitsforen Leipzig GmbH
  • 04/2010 - 07/2013
    Academic Assistant in the sense of § 72 SächsHSG, Chair of Allocation Theory, TU Dresden
  • since 09/2012
    Adjunct Professor (currently dormant), University of Battambang, Cambodia
  • since 01/2010
    Visiting Lecturer, Dresden International University, DIU, Dresden
  • 04/2008 - 03/2010
    Personal Assistant to the Rector, HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig
  • 09/2006 - 03/2008
    Researcher at the Center for Healthcare Management, HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig


  • 09/2006 - 03/2010
    Doctorate (Dr. rer. oec.) ("summa cum laude"), HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Chair of Applied Economic Theory, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Wiesmeth
  • 08/2005 - 05/2006
    Economics with concentrations in microeconomics and health economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA;Master of Arts in Economics (GPA 3.96)
  • 10/2003 - 07/2005
    Studies of International Economics, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Nuremberg
  • 09/1994 - 06/2003
    General qualification for university entrance, Walter-Gropius-Gymnasium Selb (final grade 1.0)

As part of his research work, J.-Prof. Dr. Häckl deals with the financing of the health care system. The basis for this is the morbidity-oriented risk structure compensation (Morbi-RSA) of the statutory health insurances (GKV). Of particular interest are the conditions under which such a morbidity-oriented system can offer prevention incentives to health insurers. In addition to the distribution mechanisms within the SHI system, Dr. Häckl is concerned with reimbursement systems and pricing in the individual sectors. Currently, for example, the effect of model projects for mentally ill patients is being considered. The questions, which incentives are generated by an alternative form of remuneration and whether this can be evaluated from a health economic point of view, are in the focus.

Based on the financing and remuneration of the health care system, Dennis Häckl sees great potential in research into the economic significance of diseases of civilization. It is currently apparent, for example, that many innovative drug therapies for people with type II diabetes mellitus also have a positive impact on cardiovascular events. Thus, their cost and care situation must be researched in more detail - with the aim of being able to develop efficient, cross-sectoral and patient-oriented care concepts. The linking of SHI data with study data, which allow more precise characterization of the patients and their living conditions, is particularly attractive.


  • Finanzierung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: Schwerpunkt Morbiditätsorientierter Risikostrukturausgleich
  • Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation von Modellvorhaben
  • Versorgungsforschung und gesundheitsökonomische Betrachtung von Zivilisationserkrankungen

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-33844