Johannes Schuster works as a post-doctoral researcher at Leipzig University and currently holds the Chair of Civic Education and Education Policy. He studied educational science and psychology (B.A.) in Jena and Rennes and educational research (M.A.) in Berlin. In his dissertation, he examined the role of international organisations and non-state actors in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and inclusive education.
His research interests include youth participation, social network analysis, the implementation of inclusive education, the role of non-state actors in the education system and Twitter analysis.
Professional career
- since 04/2023
Interim professor of Civic Education and Education Systems at Leipzig University - since 08/2020
Research associate at the Institute of Civic Education and Education Systems at Leipzig University - 02/2020 - 07/2020
Reserach associate in the project "CONNECT" (funding: DFG) of the Institute of Civic Education (Prof. Nina Kolleck) at Leipzig University - 10/2017 - 01/2020
Reserach associate in the project "CONNECT" (funding: DFG) of the Institute of Educational Research and Social Systems (Prof. Nina Kolleck) at Freie Universität Berlin - 11/2015 - 09/2017
Research assistant at the Institute of Educational Research and Social Systems (Prof. Nina Kolleck) at Freie Universität Berlin
- 02/2018 - 01/2022
Dissertation (Dr. phil.), Freie Universität Berlin - 10/2015 - 09/2017
Educational Research (M.A.), Freie Universität Berlin - 09/2013 - 02/2014
Study (Erasmus programme), Université Rennes 2, Rennes (France) - 10/2011 - 09/2014
Educational Science and Psychology (B.A.), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- youth participation
- implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and inclusive education
- role of non-state actors in the education system
- social network analysis
- social media analysis
- Schuster, J.The role of international organisations and non-state actors in the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and inclusive educationDoctoral thesis. 2022.
- Schuster, J.; Jörgens, H.; Kolleck, N.The Rise of Global Policy Networks in Education: Analyzing Twitter Debates on Inclusive Education Using Social Network AnalysisJournal of Education Policy. 2021. 36 (2). pp. 211–231.
- Schuster, J.; Hartmann, U.; Kolleck, N.Teacher collaboration networks as a function of type of collaboration and schools’ structural environmentTeaching and teacher education. 2021.
- Schuster, J.; Fobel, L.; Kolleck, N.Determinants of belief in conspiracy theories about the war in Ukraine among youthPolitical Psychology. 2023.DOI: 10.1111/pops.12949
- Schuster, J.; Fobel, L.; Kolleck, N.Typologie junger Menschen im Kontext des Kriegs in der Ukraine: Soziale Merkmale und Einstellungen gegenüber politischen MaßnahmenPolitische Vierteljahresschrift . 2024.
Media Education and Civic Education in Schools
Modul Medienbildung und politische Bildung in der Schule: Lecture (Lehramt)
summer semester 2023
Civic Education
Basismodul Politische Bildung: Lecture (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
summer semester 2023
Basics of civic education
Basismodul Politische Bildung: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
regularly in the summer semester
Human rights education
Basismodul Politische Bildung: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
regularly in the summer semester
Civic education and inclusion
Modul Politische Bildung und Demokratie: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
regularly in the winter semester
Policy networks and (trans)national cooperation
Modul Transnationalisierung und europäische Integration: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
winter semester 2022/23
Out-of-school citizenship education
Modul Politische Bildung und Demokratie: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
summer semester 2022
Political networks and their analysis
Modul Konfliktforschung: Forschungsseminar (M.A. Politikwissenschaft)
winter semester 2022/23
Digitalisation in education policy and citizenship education
Modul Politische Bildung und Demokratie: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
winter semester 2022/23
Tutorials (twice) to the lecture
Modul Politische Bildung (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
regularly in the summer semester
Challenges for education policy and civic education in times of corona
Modul Politische Bildung und Demokratie: Seminar (B.A. Politikwissenschaft)
winter semester 2020/21 and 2021/22
Research fields
Politics, political science, Education, educational sciences, Society
citizenship education
political socialisation
education policy