Dr. Johannes Rabiger-Völlmer

Dr. Johannes Rabiger-Völlmer

Research Fellow

Institut für Geographie
Johannisallee 19a, Room 0.09.(Heizhaus)
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 38609
Fax: +49 341 97 - 32799


I work as a research assistant in the intersection of physical geography and geoinformatics/remote sensing on geoarchaeological, geomorphological and sedimentological issues. The focus is on analysing human-environment interactions and landscape genesis, which are investigated in interdisciplinary research projects.

Methodologically, I deal with the combination of different minimal and non-invasive exploration methods on different spatial scales to answer the questions. In particular, I focus on the application and implementation of direct push sensing in these approaches. Furthermore, I concentrate on analysing geodata with the help of geographic information systems (GIS).

Professional career

  • since 06/2022
    Research Assistant in the field of Geoinformatics, Remote sensing and Physical Geography at the Institute of Geography
  • 01/2021 - 05/2022
    Technical employee for teaching and research at the Institute of Geography, Chair of Physical Geography and at the Remote Sensing Centre for Earth System Research, Chair of Remote Sensing in Geo- and Ecosystem Research
  • 01/2020 - 12/2020
    Technical employee for teaching and research at the Institute of Geography, Chair of Physical Geography
  • 06/2017 - 12/2019
    Research Assistant at the Institute of Geography, Chair of Physical Geography


  • 06/2017 - 01/2024
    Doctorate (Universität Leipzig): Thesis: Implementation of high-resolution direct push sensing in geoarchaeological exploration of wetland sites
  • 10/2013 - 05/2017
    Double degree (University of Leipzig): Master Physical Geography, thesis: The exploration of the subsurface of the Fossa Carolina in the West-East Section - A comparative analysis of direct-push sensing and sediment data; Master Geosciences: Environmental dynamics and Georisks, thesis: The Painter's Mussel (Unio pictorum) as an ecological indicator and archive of the matter balance in flowing waters using the example of the Vereinigte Mulde river - With an alternative age model
  • 10/2010 - 09/2013
    Bachelor in Geography (University of Leipzig), minor subject: Earth Sciences, thesis: A sedimentological and pedological survey of the Papitzer Lachen taking into account anthropogenic and natural structures (project: "Lebendige Luppe")

Panel Memberships

  • since 04/2024
    Study commission geography (Studienkommission Geographie)

Projects (cooperation):

  • Climate, Famine, and Plague: A Pilot Study of the 14th-century Mass Graves of Erfurt from an Interdisciplinary Perspective (since 2021, DFG, ZI 721/20-1)
  • Direct push applications in wetland (geo)archaeology (Doctoral project, 2016-2024, DFG, ZI 721/12-1)
  • Fossa Carolina: The link between the harbour networks at the rivers Danube and Rhine. Studies on bridging the central European watershed in the Middle Ages (2012-2020, DFG, ZI 721/10-1)


  • Since 2018: Working group geoarchaeology (AK Geoarchäologie)
  • Since 2019: German Society for Geomorphology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie, e.V.)
  • Köhler, A.; Werban, U.; Pohle, M.; Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Schneider, B.; Wanger-O´Neill, A.; Berg, S.; Dietrich, P.; Zielhofer, C.
    Determining carbon storage of a complex peat stratigraphy using non– and minimal-invasive geophysical prospection techniques (Verlorener Bach and Loosbach valleys, southern Germany)
    Geoderma. 2024. p. 117095.
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  • Rabiger-Völlmer, J.
    Implementation of high-resolution direct push sensing in geoarchaeological exploration of wetland sites
    Doctoral thesis. 2024.
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  • Köhler, A.; Wanger-O´Neill, A.; Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Herzig, F.; Schneider, B.; Nebel, S.; Werban, U.; Pohle, M.; Kreck, M.; Dietrich, P.; Werther, L.; Gronenborn, D.; Berg, S.; Zielhofer, C.
    A hydrological tipping point and onset of Neolithic wetland occupation in Pestenacker (Lech catchment, S Germany)
    Quaternary Science Reviews. 2022.
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  • Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Schmidt, J.; Werban, U.; Dietrich, P.; Werther, L.; Berg, S.; Stele, A.; Schneider, B.; von Suchodoletz, H.; Lindauer, S.; Linzen, S.; Stolz, R.; Wilken, D.; Ettel, P.; Zielhofer, C.
    High-Resolution Direct Push Sensing in Wetland Geoarchaeology—First Traces of Off-Site Construction Activities at the Fossa Carolina
    Remote Sensing. 2021. 13 (22). p. 4647.
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  • Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Schmidt, J.; Linzen, S.; Schneider, M.; Werban, U.; Dietrich, P.; Wilken, D.; Wunderlich, T.; Fediuk, A.; Berg-Hobohm, S.; Werther, L.; Zielhofer, C.
    Non-invasive prospection techniques and direct push sensing as high-resolution validation tools in wetland geoarchaeology – Artificial water supply at a Carolingian canal in South Germany?
    Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2020. p. 103928.
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more publications

  • Andere Ehrungen: AK Geomorphology Award (Best Poster)
    Rabiger-Völlmer, Johannes (Physische Geographie)
    awarded in 2019 by Deutscher Arbeitskreis Geomorphologie.
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more awards

  • SoSe 2025

    • 12-GGR-B-PG08 - Regional physical geography: Understanding the floodplain landscapes: Geophysical, sedimentological and pedological analyses of the Vereinigte Mulde River in the context of historical environmental change
  • WiSe 2024/2025

    • 12-GGR-B-GF05 - Introduction to Geoinformatics: Seminar and Exercise in Module
  • SoSe 2024

    • 12-GGR-B-PG02 - Geosystem analysis, methods and evaluation: Taucha, field exercise
    • 12-GGR-B-PG05 - Research project physical geography/geoecology: Contamination and decline of floodplains due to anthropogenic influences: Field research campaign in the Eger floodplain in the Nördlinger Ries
  • WiSe 2023/2024

    • 12-GGR-B-GF05 - Introduction to Geoinformatics: Seminar and Exercise in Module

  • SoSe 2023

    •    12-GGR-B-PG02 - Geosystem analysis, methods and evaluation: Taucha, field exercise
    •    12-GGR-B-PG05 - Research project physical geography/geoecology : prospections of mass graves from the time of the great famine and the plague in Erfurt
    •    12-GGR-B-PG08 - Regional physical geography: Field exercise