Dr. Moritz Pöllath

Dr. Moritz Pöllath

Stand-In Professor

Didaktik der Geschichte mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichtskultur
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H3 207
04107 Leipzig

Phone: 0341 9737062


Dr. Moritz Pöllath studied at the University of Cologne and Hawai'i Pacific University and, after completing his master's degree in American history and the state examination for teaching history/English, entered the preparatory service for grammar schools in Bavaria. After completing his doctorate in history, he taught at the LMU Munich, initially as a lecturer for special tasks and was then appointed Academic Councilor.

Pöllath completed his second book (habilitation) on “The challenged master narrative of freedom at the beginning of the 21st century” in 2024. He is a member of the expert panel of Exploring Visual Cultures (EVC), which focuses on the concepts of Shared Heritage, Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education to develop a first African-German textbook. In addition, he has taught as a teacher (G, E, Sk, Eth and K) at grammar schools in Munich and the surrounding area.