Anne Köhler

Anne Köhler

Public Relations

Physische Geographie
Johannisallee 19a, Room 0.05 (Heizhaus)
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32982
Fax: +49 341 97 - 32799

Professional career

  • since 11/2017


  • 10/2012 - 09/2015
  • 10/2015 - 10/2017
  • Berg, S.; Köhler, A.; O'Neill, A.; Werban, U.; Dietrich, P.; Zielhofer, C.
    Direct-Push: Geoarchäologische Geländearbeiten in Pestenacker
    Denkmalpflege Informationen. 2019. pp. 40–42.
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  • Köhler, A.; Wanger-O´Neill, A.; Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Herzig, F.; Schneider, B.; Nebel, S.; Werban, U.; Pohle, M.; Kreck, M.; Dietrich, P.; Werther, L.; Gronenborn, D.; Berg, S.; Zielhofer, C.
    A hydrological tipping point and onset of Neolithic wetland occupation in Pestenacker (Lech catchment, S Germany)
    Quaternary Science Reviews. 2022.
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  • Köhler, A.; Wanger-O´Neill, A.; Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Herzig, F.; Schneider, B.; Nebel, S.; Werban, U.; Pohle, M.; Kreck, M.; Dietrich, P.; Werther, L.; Gronenborn, D.; Berg-Hobohm, S.; Zielhofer, C.
    Compilation of different data sets of the Late Neolithic wetland site of Pestenacker and of the adjacent valley depositions
    Data in Brief. 2022.
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  • Köhler, A.; Werban, U.; Pohle, M.; Rabiger-Völlmer, J.; Schneider, B.; Wanger-O´Neill, A.; Berg, S.; Dietrich, P.; Zielhofer, C.
    Determining carbon storage of a complex peat stratigraphy using non– and minimal-invasive geophysical prospection techniques (Verlorener Bach and Loosbach valleys, southern Germany)
    Geoderma. 2024. p. 117095.
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more publications

  • Research Project in Physical Geography/Geoecology (B-PG05)

  • Physical Geography Research Study (M-PG03)

  • Fundamentals in Physical Geographie/Geoecology I - Parent Material, Landform and Soil (B-PG01a)

  • Fundamentals in Physical Geographie / Geoecology II - Climate, Hydrosphere and Vegetation Cover (B-PG01b)

  • Geosystem Analysis, Methods, and Evaluation (B-PG02)

  • Research and Practice Problems in Physical Geography/Geoecology (B-PG09)

  • Research Foci in Physical Geography (M-PG05)