The TYPO3 University Days 2024 in Leipzig offer an excellent opportunity to gain new insights into working with TYPO3 and to get talking to like-minded people from other universities. Please register for the conference by 1 September 2024 using the form below.

Ticket prices

  • Standard: €95
  • Discounted: €65 (for academic members)

Higher education institutions with academic member status are eligible for the following discounted tickets:

  • Academic Bronze: 1 discounted ticket
  • Academic Silver: 3 discounted tickets
  • Academic Gold: unlimited discounted tickets


Personal details

Academic member level

Your participation
Participation in the TYPO3 University Days is free of charge for speakers. We look forward to receiving interesting submissions. If you have any further questions, please contact us at You can also register online via the call for papers page.
Supporting programme
On the evening of 17 September, we will be offering a guided tour of the Paulinum at 6pm, followed by a get-together in the Moritzbastei Leipzig from 7pm.

Guided tour of the Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul

The Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul is the resurrected intellectual and spiritual centre of our university. Architecturally reminiscent of the university church demolished in 1968, it houses numerous art treasures that were saved from destruction. Please register for the tour as places are limited.

I would like to register for the guided tour of the Paulinum at 6pm on 17 September.


The Moritzbastei is Leipzig’s best-known cultural centre in the heart of the city. It combines historic architecture, a colourful past and modern cultural life in all its diversity. Attendance is free of charge.

I would like to register for the soirée in the Moritzbastei on 17 September

Invoicing information
Cancellation is not possible for organisational reasons. However, tickets may be passed on within your higher education institution. Nevertheless, please let us know at least 72 hours before the start of the event. No further claims will be accepted.

Our supporters and sponsors

Grafik: auf weißem Hintergrund steht zentriert in blauen Großbuchstaben "DMK E-Business". Die Wortmarke ist umrandet von einer blauen Linie, die ein Quadrat mit abgerundeten Ecken bildet.
Logo der Firma Academic Hero: links steht eine geometrische grüne Form, die einen Pfeil nach oben erahnen lässt. Daneben steht der Text Academic Hero. Digitale Superkraft
Logo der Firma Pluswerk: in blauen eckigen Klammern steht ein schwarzen Pluszeichen. Daneben steht der Text Pluswerk.
Logo der Firma intocode: schwarze Schrift auf weißem Hintergrund mit dem Firmennamen und darunter der Text Wir leben TYPO3
Logo der Firma Queo: in einem Quadrat stehen die Buchstaben Q U E O. Daneben steht ein weiteres Quadrat mit den Buchstaben N E X T. Die Quadrate sind weiß ausgefüllt, die Buchstaben und die Umrandung der Quadrate sind pink.
Logo der Firma Eye-Able: links steht ein stilisiertes Auge aus kräftigen schwarzen Linien und Formen, rechts steht der Text Eye-Able