TYPO3 University Days 2024

Call for papers

Join us at the TYPO3 University Days on 17 and 18 September 2024. This year we will focus on the challenges posed by the constant update cycles that universities face. But of course we also welcome other topics!

Computergrafik im fotorealistischen Stil: Ein Austronaut im Raumanzug steht auf einem Planeten und neben ihm weht eine weiße Fahne mit den TYPO3-Logo darauf

Submit a contribution

One upgrade invariably leads to the next. We are interested in your practical experience of balancing stable operation with the latest release. Lessons learned? How might we overcome these challenges (together)?


Conferences don’t organise themselves, so we need your help in putting the programme together. Some points have already been finalised. With your help, the programme will continue to grow over the coming weeks.

Provisional programme for day one


  • 8.30am, foyer
  • 9.30am–9.45am, lecture hall 15
    Opening of the TYPO3 University Days 2024
  • 9.45am–10.30am, lecture hall 15
    Boris Hinzer, TYPO3 Association, Luana Valentini, TYPO3 GmbH
    Keynote: Current status of TYPO3 version 13 and updates for academic members
  • 10.30am–10.45am
    Coffee break
  • 10.45am–11.45am, lecture hall 15
    Leipzig University
    Leipzig University’s experience with upgrading to TYPO3 version 12
  • 11.45am–12.15pm, lecture hall 15
    Christiane Coester, Saarland University
    Making editors happy with the perfect TYPO3 manual
  • 12.30pm–1.30pm, foyer
    Lunch break
  • 1.30pm–2.30pm, lecture hall 15
    Eric Schürmann, University of Erfurt
    Structured data – Make Google happy
  • 2.30pm–3.15pm
    Available slots
  • 3.15–3.30pm
    Coffee break
  • 3.30pm–5pm 
    Available slots
  • From 7pm 
    Soirée in the Moritzbastei

Fill in the gaps in the programme by submitting your contribution!

Add to the programme

Provisional programme for day two


  • 9am–11am, seminar room 132
    TYPO3 certification
    Getting certified is a way of having your TYPO3 skills officially recognised. Certification is provided by TYPO3 GmbH. You will have to pay for the costs incurred. If you are interested in certification, please indicate this on the entstehenden Kosten müssen von Ihnen getragen werden. If you are interested in certification, please indicate this on the registration form.
    Find out more about fees and types of certification
  • 9am–9.30am, lecture theatre 15
    Pluswerk GmbH
    TYPO3 upgrade vs. relaunch: Succeed through targeted workshops and marketing strategies
  • 9.30am–10am
    Available slot
  • 10am–10.30am, foyer
    Coffee break and voting for election
  • 10.30am–11.15am, lecture hall 15
    Leipzig University
    Seamless access to news and events across all portals
  • 11.15am–12pm
    Available slot
  • 12pm–12pm, foyer
    Lunch break
  • 12.45pm–2pm
    Available slots
  • 2pm–2.30pm, lecture hall 15 
    Farewell and announcement of the election results

Fill in the gaps in the programme by submitting your contribution!

Add to the programme

Art meets cuisine

On the evening of 17 September, we are offering an exclusive tour of the Paulinum, followed by a get-together at the Moritzbastei in Leipzig. With its impressive architecture and wealth of historic artworks, the Paulinum is a unique blend of past and present. After this taste of culture, we will enjoy some delicious treats in the relaxed atmosphere of the Moritzbastei. We’ll end the evening in an informal setting with plenty of time to chat – the perfect place for promising exchanges and new contacts. 

  • 17 September 2024, 6pm–7pm 
    Guided tour of the Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul
  • 17 September 2024, from 7pm
    Dinner in the Moritzbastei


Excellent public transport links mean you can get to Leipzig city centre and the main railway station quickly and easily – in less than 10 minutes. We will spend the evening together in the very heart of the city.

Supporters and sponsors

We are pleased to present the TYPO3 University Days 2024 with our supporters and sponsors. Please contact us if you are interested in presenting yourself in this innovative environment.

Grafik: auf weißem Hintergrund steht zentriert in blauen Großbuchstaben "DMK E-Business". Die Wortmarke ist umrandet von einer blauen Linie, die ein Quadrat mit abgerundeten Ecken bildet.


DMK E-BUSINESS GmbH is a professional digitisation partner for business customers and public administrations. DMK supports the TYPO3 University Days 2024 event as a patron sponsor.

Logo der Firma Academic Hero: links steht eine geometrische grüne Form, die einen Pfeil nach oben erahnen lässt. Daneben steht der Text Academic Hero. Digitale Superkraft
Logo der Firma Pluswerk: in blauen eckigen Klammern steht ein schwarzen Pluszeichen. Daneben steht der Text Pluswerk.
Logo der Firma intocode: schwarze Schrift auf weißem Hintergrund mit dem Firmennamen und darunter der Text Wir leben TYPO3
Logo der Firma Queo: in einem Quadrat stehen die Buchstaben Q U E O. Daneben steht ein weiteres Quadrat mit den Buchstaben N E X T. Die Quadrate sind weiß ausgefüllt, die Buchstaben und die Umrandung der Quadrate sind pink.
Logo der Firma Eye-Able: links steht ein stilisiertes Auge aus kräftigen schwarzen Linien und Formen, rechts steht der Text Eye-Able