Prof. Dr. Dennis Hauk

Prof. Dr. Dennis Hauk


Teaching Methodologies in Civic Education
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H2 0.06
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35617
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35619


Dennis Hauk is professor of teaching and learning in civic education at the University of Leipzig. His research focus on teacher education, student participation, educational technology and dialogic teaching. He is interested in mixed methods and video based research on classroom talk in civic education classrooms.

Dennis Hauk is a member of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), the Society for Civic Education (GPJE) and the German Assocation for Civic Education (DVPB).

Professional career

  • since 11/2023
    Professor (full) for teaching and learning in civic education (University of Leipzig)
  • 10/2016 - 10/2023
    Senior Researcher (Chair for Research on Teaching and Learning, University of Jena)
  • 08/2014 - 10/2016
    Teacher (State Schools)
  • 05/2012 - 03/2014
    Research Assistant (Institute of Political Science, University of Jena)


  • 08/2014 - 07/2016
    Teacher Internship (State Seminary Erfurt)
  • 04/2010 - 05/2015
    PhD in civic education (University of Jena)
  • 10/2004 - 03/2010
    Teacher degree (history and civic education, University of Jena)

Dennis Hauk is Professor of Teaching and Learning in Civic Education at the University of Leipzig. His research focus on Teacher Education, Student Participation, Educational Technology and Dialogic Teaching. He is interested in Mixed Methods and Video Based Research on Classroom Talk in Civic Education Classrooms.

  • PUdL - Partizipative Unterrichtskulturen in digitalen Lerngemeinschaften wahrnehmen und fördern
    Gröschner, Prof. Dr. Alexander
    Duration: 07/2023 – 03/2026
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Gemeinschaftskunde
    show details
  • ViFF - Videobasierte Fortbildung und Facilitation zur Gestaltung wirksamer Lehrkräftefortbildungen
    Gröschner, Prof. Dr. Alexander
    Duration: 08/2022 – 02/2023
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Gemeinschaftskunde
    show details
  • Guter Unterricht = Gute Schule? Eine Dokumentenanalyse zur „Unterrichtsqualität“ erfolgreicher Schulen am Beispiel des Deutschen Schulpreises 2020 und 2022
    Gröschner, Prof. Dr. Alexander
    Duration: 04/2022 – 04/2023
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Gemeinschaftskunde
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  • PHDL Fort- und Weiterbildungsmotivation und -qualität von Lehrpersonen in Österreich – eine Validierungsstudie.
    Gröschner, Prof. Dr. Alexander
    Duration: 09/2018 – 09/2020
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Gemeinschaftskunde
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  • Vid@Leo: Videogestützte Evaluation der Unterrichtsgestaltung und lernwirksamen Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion in der Sekundarstufe
    Gröschner, Prof. Dr. Alexander
    Duration: 12/2016 – 12/2021
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Fachdidaktik Gemeinschaftskunde
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more projects

  • Hauk, D.
    Digitale Medien in der politischen Bildung. Anforderungen und Zugänge an das Politik-Verstehen im 21. Jahrhundert.
    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2016.
    show details
  • Hauk, D.; Gröschner, Prof. Dr. A.; Weil, M.; Böheim, R.; Schindler, A. K.; Alles, M.; Seidel, Prof. Dr. T.
    How is the design of teacher professional development related to teacher learning about classroom discourse? Findings from a one-year intervention study.
    Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 2022.
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  • Hauk, D.; Gröschner, Prof. Dr. A.
    How effective is learner-controlled instruction under classroom conditions? A systematic review
    Learning and Motivation. 2022.
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  • Hauk, D.
    Mit digitalen Medien lernen: Lernprodukte und Lernumgebungen
    In: Pohl, K.; Sander, W. (Eds.)
    Handbuch politische Bildung. Schwalbach/Ts.: 2021. pp. 484–490.
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  • Hauk, D.; Gröschner, Prof. Dr. A.; Rzejak, D.; Lipowsky, Prof. Dr. F.
    Wie hängt die Berufserfahrung mit der Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an Fortbildungen zusammen? Eine empirische Analyse zur generellen Fortbildungsmotivation von Lehrpersonen.
    Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 2022.
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more publications

  • Classroom dialogue in civic education classrooms (seminar)

  • Classroom dialogue in civic education classrooms (exercise)

  • Can I recognize a good politics teacher when I see one? Video-based reflections on subject-specific core practices of politics teachers (seminar)

  • Can I recognize a good politics teacher when I see one? Video-based reflections on subject-specific core practices of politics teachers (exercise)

  • Research colloquium for graduation candidates

Research fields

Education, educational sciences, Pedagogy, Politics, political science



Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 3419735617
Twitter/X: @edu_teach; Bluesky:; Threads: @edu1.teach