As a member of our university, you can campaign actively for more equal opportunities at our university. Whether it's compensation for disadvantages when studying or taking examinations, diversity-friendly timetabling or support for students with mental health issues – this is where you will find materials and information to ensure more equal opportunities.

Implementing compensation for disadvantages when studying and taking examinations

Students suffering from disabilities and chronic illness as well as expectant and breast-feeding students may be entitled to compensation for disadvantages or protective measures. As a rule, the students themselves are responsible for organising the necessary assistive devices.

Compensating for disadvantages. For an equitable degree programme.

Information portal for prospective students, students and employees on the recognition of hardship cases and the granting of disadvantage compensation at the University of Leipzig due to disability, chronic illness, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding or family responsibilities.

Information portal

Compensating for disadvantages. For an equitable degree programme.

The handout contains an overview of the principles, prerequisites and the procedure for granting and applying the programme.


Access to the links or downloads will only work when you are on the Leipzig University intranet. Please save the attachments locally before re-opening and completing them.

  • handouts

HANDREICHUNG (German, Intranet)




  • form: Disability and chronic illness

Anhang 1: Antragsformular Nachteilsausgleich (Muster) (German, Intranet)

Anhang 2: Bestätigungsformular für Ärzt_innen (Muster) (German, Intranet)



  • Maternity Protection Act

Anhang 1: Mitteilung Schwangerschaft (German, Intranet)

Insofar as this is relevant for the implementation of a compensation for disadvantage, accessible workstations and technology are available. Further information on how the workstations are equipped, the assistive devices and how to reserve them can be found at Accessible workstations and resources.

Support for students with mental health issues

Students find themselves in a vulnerable phase due to the many and various challenges of their new situation in life and often suffer from mental illness for the first time or a worsening of their already known stress-related symptoms.

Support for students with mental health issues – what can be done? Guidelines

Our guidelines are intended to encourage you to take your observations about students' difficulties and irregularities seriously and to provide the right help.

The guidelines contain a supplement, which you can hand out to students if required. They contain information on counselling topics and services at our university and external contacts in addition to important contacts for acute emergencies in crisis situations. The guidelines are available in German both online and as a printed version.

Diversity in Studying and Teaching

Nowadays, institutions of higher education are characte-rised by a high degree of diversity: not only students, but also people who form part of the higher education system all come from different backgrounds. And this means that they also have different needs. At the same time, there are structures that can create barriers and impede paths to learning and education.

These Guidelines are intended to provide you, as educators, with suggestions on how to take these different needs into account and to develop teaching and learning activities that are responsive to diversity.

Organising events in a diversity-friendly way

Elevators without voice output, seminars without any breaks, staff consultations in the evenings – these and many other things are the reason why some people are not able to participate in society. Our guidelines provide an overview and tips on how to plan events at our university to ensure that they are a diversity friendly, accessible and family friendly. We can lend you materials to help you do so.


You can obtain this via the Equal Opportunities Office, please contact us.

  • Published by: Leipzig University
  • Languages: German, English
  • Publication date: May 2020
  • Processing: Brochure
  • Scope: 144 pages
  • Price: free of charge for members and associates of Leipzig University
  • Delivery status: available

Pictograms should deliver the most important information and facilitate orientation rapidly. Members and associates of Leipzig University can use the pictograms provided here within the scope of their activities, e.g. to signpost locations or to announce events. The large selection of pictograms is intended to facilitate specific communication with target groups and to convey information that is as accurate as possible.

Our diversity-friendly pictograms do not reduce e.g. the concept whereby disability applies only to wheelchairs and gender applies only to women and men, but takes into account the essential aspects of equal opportunities, diversity and the family. By using them, you can play a role in ensuring social diversity is better valued and appreciated at our university.

Instruction & Pictograms

Access to the links or downloads will only work when you are on the Leipzig University intranet.

Using diversity-friendly language and images

Engaging with diversity-sensitive language is worthwhile. It means being mindful of different realities, social positions, differences, and discrimination. Language, even without harmful intent, can wield power, cause harm, or render people invisible. On the other hand, language can also give a voice to others and foster understanding.

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