Group: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity (QFG), Institute for Theoretical Physics
Field of specialization: Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, non-commutative quantum field theory, relativistic quantum information theory
Current projects - research:
* Quantum fields and local measurements (with C.J. Fewster, University of York, UK)
* Quantum field radiation of non-stationary black holes (with N. Pinamonti, University of Genua, Italy)
* Semiclassical black-hole evaporation, in the TMR 2522
Teaching: Responsible for the introduction and managing of the International MSc study program "Mathematical Physics"
Professor at University of Leipzig since 2005
Habilitation in Theoretical Physics, Goettingen, 2003
PhD, University of Hamburg, 1997
MSc, University of Cambridge, UK, 1990