
Prof. Dr. Denisa Bordag is employed at the Herder Institute at the University of Leipzig. She is also an affiliated professor at the Haifa University (Israel). She is a psycholinguist and her main research and teaching areas second language acquisition and grammar.

Professional career

  • since 08/2018
    Professor, Herder-Institute, Universität Leipzig
  • 06/2009 - 08/2018
    Associate professor, Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig
  • 03/2009 - 05/2009
    Researcher, Herder-Institut, Universität Leipzig
  • 11/2007 - 10/2008
    Dr. phil. habil. Habilitation thesis: Processing of nominal features during lexical retrieval in L1 and L2, with a particular focus on Czech
  • 10/2008 - 03/2009
    Substituting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur W3) Institut für Auslandsgermanistik / Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Lehrstuhl für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache)
  • 04/2008 - 07/2008
    Teaching assignment (Lehrauftrag), Institut für Slawistik, Universität Leipzig
  • 06/2004 - 04/2008
    Researcher, Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig Project: Processing of grammatical gender in L1 and L2
  • 05/2003 - 05/2005
    Teaching degree for secondary schools (subjects English and Czech) Charles University in Prague
  • 04/2003 - 07/2004
    Teaching assignment (Lehrauftrag), Institut für Slawistik, Universität Leipzig
  • 09/2001 - 09/2003
    Researcher, Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig Project: Inflectional morphology in speech production
  • 09/2001 - 11/2004
    Dr. phil. („Summa cum laude“), Philologischen Fakultät der Universität LeipzigDissertation: Psycholinguistische Aspekte der Interferenzerscheinungen in der Flexionsmorphologie des Tschechischen als Fremdsprache
  • 10/1999 - 03/2000
    Erasmus scholarship, Philologischen Fakultät, Universität Leipzig
  • 07/1999 - 08/1999
    DAAD scholarship, Garman language course, Pädagogische Hochschule in Erfurt, Germany
  • 07/1998 - 08/1998
    Scholarship, Suffolk University in Boston, USA
  • 10/1995 - 09/2001
    Teacher of Czech and English as L2s in S.F.Servis, Charles University in Prague
  • 09/1995 - 05/2001
    Mgr. studies of Czech language and literature and English language and literature Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague
  • Grammar theories and grammarography

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)

  • Introduction to the morphology of contemporary German

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)

  • Introduction to the basics of German syntax

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)

  • Grammar and grammar teaching

    MA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)

  • Cognitive foundations of second language acquisition

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)

  • Theories and models of second language acquisition

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (University of Leipzig)