Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke


Bürgerliches Recht, Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
Burgstraße 27, Room 4.28
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35321
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35329

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke

Man. Director

Institut für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
Burgstraße 27, Room 4.27
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35320
Fax: +49 341 97 - 35329


Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke is the chair holder of the Chair for Civil Law, Employment Law and Social Law at the University of Leipzig since 01 September 1997. His research focuses on the works constitution law and staff representation law, the temporary employment law and various issues of individual employment law.

Since its refounding on 07 December 1998, Prof. Dr. Boemke has been the managing director of the Institute for Employment Law and Social Law at the University of Leipzig.

Professional career

  • 11/1989 - 05/1996
    Postdoctoral research assistant at the Chair for Civil Law, Employment Law, Social Insurance Law at the University of Heidelberg (Chair holder Prof. Dr. Gerrick von Hoyningen-Huene)
  • 07/1996 - 08/1997
    Visiting Professor at the University ofm Mannheim
  • since 09/1997
    Chair holder of the Chair for Civil Law, Employment Law and Social Law at the University of Leipzig
  • since 12/1998
    Managing director of the Institute for Employment Law and Social Law at the University of Leipzig
  • 04/2006 - 09/2008
    Dean of the faculty of law at the University of Leipzig and member of the senate at the University of Leipzig
  • 10/2008 - 10/2011
    Officer for gender equality at the faculty of law at the University of Leipzig


  • 10/1980 - 04/1985
    Studies of law at the Georg August University of Göttingen
  • 05/1985
    First Legal State Examination
  • 05/1987 - 04/1989
    Legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court Celle
  • 07/1988
    Graduation to the Doctor of Law
  • 10/1989
    Second Legal State Examination
  • 06/1996
    Post-doctoral lecturing qualification for civil law, employment law, civil procedural law

Panel Memberships

  • 04/2010 - 04/2012
    Research project: Corporate-Compliance. Legal Limits and Empirical Effects of a New Form of Business Organization.
  • since 10/1997
    Co-founder of the Association for the Sponsorship of the Institute for Employment Law and Social Law at the University of Leipzig (F.I.f.A. e.V.)
  • since 02/1999
    Chairman of various arbitration commitees in the field of works constitution law and staff representation law
  • since 10/2001
    Chairman of the board of the Society for Employment Law and Social Law (Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht e.V.)
  • 10/2004 - 09/2008
    Chairman of the complaints committee at the department of auditing in the statutory health insurance Saxony
  • since 01/2005
    Chairman of the arbitration board for the nursing care insurance in Saxony according to paragraph 76 SGB XI
  • since 02/2006
    President of the European Academy for Economy and personnel services (Europäische Akademie für Wirtschaft und Personaldienstleistungen e.V.)
  • since 01/2012
    Deputy chairman of the arbitration board for the fixing of the care rates in hospitals in Saxony-Anhalt
  • since 01/2013
    Chairman of the arbitration borad for the rescue service
  • since 01/2014
    Chairman of the state arbitration board Saxony according to paragraph 114 (1) SGB V
  • Boemke, B.
    Praxishandbuch Betriebsratswahl 2022 – Mit integrierter Muster- und Formularsammlung
    Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster. 2022.
    show details
  • Boemke, B.; Haase, T.
    Die Änderungen der Wahlordnung zum Betriebsverfassungsgesetz
    NZA - Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht. 2021. pp. 1513–1520.
    show details
  • Boemke, B.; Roloff, S.; Haase, T.
    Virtuelle Betriebsratssitzungen und der Vorrang der Präsenzsitzung
    VSSAR - Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht. 2021. pp. 223–248.
    show details
  • Boemke, B.; Roloff, S.; Haase, T.
    „Virtual reality“ in der formellen Betriebsverfassung – nicht ohne Geschäftsordnung
    NZA - Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht. 2021. pp. 827–834.
    show details
  • Boemke, B.
    Gesetzliche und kollektivvertragliche Regulierung der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung durch Höchstüberlassungszeiten
    Recht der Arbeit . 2020. pp. 313–316.
    show details

more publications

  • WiSe 2019/20: Civil Law I – General Part of the German Civil Code

  • WiSe 2019/20: Legal Writing

  • WiSe 2019/20: Examination Review and Training Course in Preperation of the Exam in the Specialiesed Course No. 10 (Employment Law)

  • WiSe 2019/20: Examination and Approval Seminar in Employment Law: "100 Years Works Constitution"