Jun.-Prof. Ph.D. Beatriz Sanchez Parra

Jun.-Prof. Ph.D. Beatriz Sanchez Parra

Junior Professor

Biodiversität der Atmosphäre (JP)
Talstraße 35, Room 3.01
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 32911
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36789


I am a biologist and my main field of research is the study of the Biodiversity of the Atmosphere.

I studied Biology in Madrid, where I developed my first scientific research on rye, acquiring experience in plant molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. This was followed by a Master's degree and an International Doctorate in Agroforestry Biotechnology. 

However, my concern about the effects of climate change and urban pollution on atmospheric biodiversity and human health led me to embark on different postdoctoral projects on the study of aerobiology. Using molecular biology techniques, and others such as metagenomics, I analysed the atmospheric biodiversity of Spain, Cyprus and the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. 

During my last postdoctoral stay, in Graz, I also used the latest methodologies in genomics and transcriptomics for the study of unicellular organisms.

You can find more information at my personal homepage: https://www.sanchezparra.com/

Professional career

  • 01/2021 - 06/2022
    Postdoctoral researcher at University of Graz (Austria). Genomics and Transcriptomics analysis of Slime molds.
  • 01/2019 - 12/2021
    Postdoctoral research scientist at Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany). Projects: “Metagenomics analysis of bioaerosol samples collected in Cyprus” and “Analysis of bioaerosols from the Amazons (Brazil)”.
  • 10/2018 - 12/2018
    Scientist guest at Max-Planck Instute for Chemistry (Mainz, Germany), awrded with a grant from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS).
  • 03/2017 - 09/2018
    Postdoctoral researcher at Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain).Aerobiology study of air of Madrid. Analysis of Biodiversity and Development of protocol to detect pathogens.
  • 02/2009 - 08/2009
    Scientific assistant at "Éco-Éthologie” lab, Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland).Research on plant-insect interaction: Silene latifolia-Hadena bicruris.


  • 03/2012 - 03/2017
    International PhD ("summa cum laude"); Title: "Dissecting the role of Arabidopsis thaliana AMIDASE 1 in auxin biosynthesis" (Professor Dr. Pollmann). Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics-Polytechnic university of Madrid (CBGP UPM-INIA, Madrid, Spain).
  • 02/2014 - 05/2014
    PhD stay to study the phosphorylation of the protein AMIDASE1 (AMI1) in Arabidopsis thaliana. University of Hamburg (Germany).
  • 06/2011 - 07/2012
    Master studies: Agroforestry and Biotechnology, Politechnic University of Madrid (Spain).
  • 09/2005 - 07/2011
    Bachelor Degree in Biology, Institute of Biology, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).Research project during Biology studies ("summa cum laude").Project title: "Aluminium tolerance: isolation, variability and expression of two Superoxide dismutase (SOD) genes in rye” (Professor Dr. Benito Jiménez).

Panel Memberships

  • since 02/2019
    External Collaborator in the AIRTEC-CM project of Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain). Study of biotic and abiotic factors in the air of Madrid and their relationship with the city's climate, meteorology and pollution.
  • 06/2011 - 02/2022
    Member of the Spanish Society of Genetics (SEG)
  • since 07/2017
    Member of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM)

We study the biological particles that are present in the atmosphere (bioaerosols) and how the effects of climate change affect their composition and abundance, with the ultimate aim of understanding their consequences on atmospheric processes, the environment and society.

For this purpose, we use different methodologies ranging from microbiological culture to the analysis of genetic sequences by amplicon and metagenomic analysis. In addition, we make use of different bioinformatics tools that allow us to know the nature of the biological particles detected.

For more details, visit the website: www.sanchezparra.com

  • Analysis of bioaerosols in the tree canopy when extreme weather events occur (Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism of the State of Saxony, SMWK)
    Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
    Duration: 03/2023 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
    show details
  • Junior Professorship in Biodiversity of the Atmosphere.
    Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
    Duration: 11/2022 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
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  • Analysis of bioaerosols from the Amazon rainforest (Brazil)
    Pöhlker, Christopher
    Duration: 01/2020 – 12/2020
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
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  • Metagenomics analysis of bioaerosol samples collected in Cyprus
    Fröhlich-Nowoisky, Janine
    Duration: 01/2019 – 12/2019
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
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  • Interplay of BIOaerosol and HUMidity
    Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
    Duration: 03/2024 – 12/2024
    Funded by: EU Europäische Union
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
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more projects

  • Tang, K.; Sanchez Parra, B.; Yordanova, P.; Wehking, J.; Backes, A. T.; Pickersgill, D. A.; Maier, S.; Sclare, J.; Pöschl, U.; Weber, B.; Fröhlich-Nowolsky, J.
    Bioaerosols and atmospheric ice nuclei in a Mediterranean dryland: communitychanges related to rainfall.
    Biogeosciences. 2022. 19 (1). pp. 71–91.
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  • Sanchez Parra, B.; Nunez, A.; Garcia, A.; Campoy, P.; Moreno, D.A.
    Distribution of airborne pollen, fungi and bacteria at four altitudes using high-throughput DNA sequencing.
    Atmospheric Research . 2021. p. 105306.
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  • Souza, F. F. C.; Mathai, P. P.; Pauliquevis, T. et al.
    Influence of seasonality on the aerosol microbiome of the Amazon rainforest.
    Science of The Total Environment. 2021. p. pp. 144092.
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  • Sanchez Parra, B.; Nunez, A.; Moreno, D.A.
    Preventing legionellosis outbreaks by a quick detection of airborne Legionella pneumophila.
    Environ Res . 2019. pp. 546–549.
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  • Rojo, J.; Nunez, A.; Lara, B.; Sanchez Parra, B.; Moreno, D.A.; Perez-Badia, R.
    Comprehensive analysis of different adhesives in aerobiological sampling using optical microscopy and highthroughput DNA sequencing.
    J Environ Manage . 2019. pp. 441–450.
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more publications

  • Science Dissemination
    Lange Nacht Der Wissenschaften - Long Night of the Sciences Leipzig
    Biodiversität der Atmosphäre; Universität Leipzig
    Event Organiser: Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
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  • Radio interview
    Internationaler Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft (International Day of Women and Girls in Science)
    Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
    Event Organiser: Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
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  • Science Dissemination
    Was transportiert der Wind? (What is the wind carrying?) - Organized by "La Biothèque Divulgación"
    Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
    Event Organiser: Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
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  • Science Dissemination
    Familientag im Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (Family’s Day at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry) - Organized by Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
    Biodiversität der Atmosphäre
    Event Organiser: Sanchez Parra, Beatriz
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