Dr. Matteo Colombi

Dr. Matteo Colombi

Research Fellow

Slawische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien (Schwerpunkt Westslawistik)
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 5406
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37458
Fax: +49 341 97 - 37499



Senior researcher and Erasmus coordinator at the Department of Slavic Studies, Leipzig University. Disciplinary focus: Czech studies (from 2018).

Previous positions: Visiting scholar and junior/ senior researcher at Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europas (2007-2018), senior researcher and visiting professor at the Department of Slavic Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2015-2017).

Education: M.A. in Literary Studies and Comparatistics (Bologna), German and Czech Studies (Leipzig and Prague); international Ph.D. in Comparatistics (L'Aquila) and Western Slavic Studies (Leipzig)

Research fields: German and Czech literature from the Czech region; Italian and Slovene literature from the Trieste area and the Slovene region; ethnicity and literature; Kafka studies; gender and literature; subcultures and opposition movements; literature and other media (esp. film and comics); crime literature.

Professional career

  • since 08/2018
    Senior researcher at the Department of Slavic Studies, Leipzig University
  • 04/2009 - 07/2018
    Senior researcher at Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europas (GWZO) in Leipzig
  • 10/2016 - 03/2017
    Visiting professor of Western Slavic cultural and literary studies at the Department of Slavic Studies of the Humboldt University in Berlin
  • 04/2015 - 03/2016
    Senior researcher at the Department of Slavic Studies of the Humboldt University in Berlin (deputazing)
  • 11/2003 - 05/2008
    Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature at L'Aquila university and in Western Slavic Studies at Leipzig university (cotutelle)


  • 09/1997 - 07/2003
    Student of Lettere Moderne (Literary Studies and Comparatistics) at Bologna University
  • Colombi, M.
    Civil Society and Art/Theory Producers as Parallel Polis? Reflections on the Challenges of Dissident Culture from 1968 to 1989 and Beyond
    Primerjalna književnost. 2020. pp. 29–47.
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  • Colombi, M.
    Genüssliche Bewegung oder unbehagliche Reibung? Queer(-Theory) im Spannungsfeld: Eve Kosofksy Sedgwick und Sara Ahmed
    In: Artwinska, A.; Schulze-Fellmann, J. (Eds.)
    Gender Studies im Dialog. Transnationale und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2022. pp. 293–316.
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  • Colombi, M.
    Jana Černás Lebenswissen
    In: Lisa, M. (Ed.)
    Totale Sehnsucht. Wien und Prag: Kētos. 2022. p. 137-171.
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  • Artwinska, A.; Colombi, M.
    Canons and Their Questioning, Canons and Their Fading: Some Personal Remarks on the Development of the Teaching of Literary History
    Slovo a smysl. 2023. pp. 15–48.
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  • Colombi, M.
    Kulturirridentismus oder Masaryk aus Triester italienischer Perspektive
    Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie. 2024. 80 (1). pp. 103–136.
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more publications

  • Konferenz
    Achtung, ein großer Autor! Pozor, velikáni! Milan Kundera und Bohumil Hrabal neu betrachtet
    Slawische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien (Schwerpunkt Westslawistik)
    Event Organiser: Artwinska, Anna; Colombi, Matteo; Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta
    14/02/2019 – 18/02/2019
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  • Kolloquium
    Staatsmann, Intellektueller, Visionär: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk revisited
    Slawische Literaturwissenschaft und Kulturstudien (Schwerpunkt Westslawistik)
    Event Organiser: Artwinska, Anna; Colombi, Matteo; Rytel-Schwarz, Danuta
    02/11/2018 – 03/11/2018
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more events

  • Czech culture and literature from the National Renaissance to early Modernism

  • Western Slavic cultures and literature in historical perspective: Polisch and Czech Literature from the Middle Ages to the Baroque

  • Cultural and literary relationships in Eatern and Eastern-Central Europe (changing research topics)

    2022/23: The national poets' afterlife II. A rewriting (hi)story (Mickiewicz, Němcová, Puškin, Ševčenko)

    2022/23: Which story tell literary history? (Part 2). Challanges of a transnational litery history in the Slavic cultural space

  • Comparative literature

  • Czech culture and literature from the 20th and 21th century

  • Cultural Studies: Themes and methods