Dr. Kerstin Menzel

Dr. Kerstin Menzel

Research Fellow

Praktische Theologie
Beethovenstraße 25, Room 211
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35468


Since 2020, Dr. Kerstin Menzel is research associate in the DFG research unit FOR 2733 "Transformation of Sacred Space: Function and Use of Religious Places in Germany", project 2: "Transformation of Sacred Space in a Secular Context". The project is in relation with a habilitation project around the public dimension of liturgy. Since September 2020 she is also research and teaching assistant in Practical Theology (Prof. Dr. A. Deeg).

Starting in April 2024, she is guest professor of Practical Theology at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

Her dissertation was completed with summa cum laude in 2017 at the Philipps-University Marburg: "Small numbers, wide space - pastoral profession in rural congregations in East Germany". Like in her studies of theology, she received a scholarship of Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst.

Kerstin Menzel is member of the "Arbeitskreis empirische Religionsforschung", the ESWTR and the board of editors of feinschwarz.net.

Professional career

  • 01/2010 - 04/2010
    Research assistant in the empirical study Perikopenprojekt EKD/VELKD, Leipzig University
  • 08/2009 - 12/2012
    Guide in the Jewish Museum Berlin
  • 09/2014 - 12/2016
    Pastoral training in Ev. Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-Schlesische Oberlausitz, Paul-Gerhardt-Kirchengemeinde Berlin-Lichtenberg, March 2017 Ordination
  • 01/2017 - 02/2020
    Pastor in service as research and teaching associate at the Theological Faculty of Humboldt University Berlin, Practical Theology, Chair of Prof. Dr. Ruth Conrad
  • since 03/2020
    Post-Doc and research associate in the interdisciplinary DFG-research unit „Transformation of Sacred Space: Function and Use of Religious Places in Germany“, Institut für Praktische Theologie, Prof. Dr. Alexander Deeg
  • since 04/2024
    Guest professor for Practical Theology at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.


  • 09/2001 - 08/2002
    Voluntary Social Year, Youth Ministry Leipzig
  • 10/2002 - 09/2005
    Study of Protestant Theology at Philipps University Marburg
  • 10/2005 - 09/2006
    Master of Sacred Theology at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
  • 10/2006 - 07/2009
    Study of Protestant Theology at Leipzig University and Humboldt University Berlin,
  • 03/2003 - 07/2009
    Scholarship of Ev. Studienwerk Villigst
  • 11/2009 - 12/2017
    Doctoral student at Philipps-University Marburg, "Small numbers, wide space - pastoral profession in rural congregations in East Germany" (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wagner-Rau), summa cum laude
  • 06/2010 - 08/2014
    Doctoral Scholarship of Ev. Studienwerk Villigst

Research interests:

  • The public dimension of liturgy, ritual studies, religious services in the context of violence and desasters, contribution of rituals to coping, digital liturgy
  • Use of church buildings, processes of participation and appropriation, sociology of architecture, cooperation of church and diakonia
  • Theory of the pastoral profession, pastoral office and volunteers, relation of parochial and special service, gender issues
  • Church theory, especially rural contexts, church in East Germany, processes of change
  • Empirical study of religion and profession, esp. qualitative methods

Selected Publications before acquiring the position at Universität Leipzig (cons. 2020 see below)

  • Kleine Zahlen, weiter Raum. Pfarrberuf in ländlichen Gemeinden Ostdeutschlands (Praktische Theologie heute Bd. 155), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2019.
  • Bildungsprozesse in der Gemeindearbeit – Potentiale der Gemeindepädagogik für pastorales Handeln im Kontext peripherer ländlicher Räume, in: Michael Domsgen / Ekkehard Steinhäuser (Hg.), Identitätsraum Dorf. Religiöse Bildung in der Peripherie, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2014, 78–112.
  • “Doing something meaningful” in “the middle of nowhere”. Pastoral work and structural transformation in rural East Germany, in: Kati Niemelä (Hg.), Church Work and Management in Change, Porvoo: Church Research Institute 2012, 206-221.
  • FOR 2733, Project 2: Transformation of Sacred Space in a Secular Context: The Example of Hybrid Spaces. Field Mapping, Determining Logics, and Criteria in Leipzig
    Deeg, Alexander
    Duration: 03/2020 – ongoing
    Funded by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Institut für Praktische Theologie; Praktische Theologie
    show details
  • The public dimension of liturgy
    Menzel, Kerstin
    Duration: 03/2020 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Praktische Theologie
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  • Worship services and families. Logics of participation in the liturgical life of the church
    Deeg, Alexander
    Duration: 02/2024 – 03/2025
    Funded by: Kirche
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Praktische Theologie
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more projects

  • Menzel, K.
    Contributing to local and civil society. Explorations for a context-sensitive and public character of pastoral ministry
    In: Unser, A. (Ed.)
    Religion, Citizenship and Democracy - Empirical Research and Perspectives for Education. Springer. 2021. pp. 55–74.
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  • Menzel, K.
    Spannungen inszenieren und halten. Gottesdienste in Pandemiezeiten
    In: Deeg, A.; Lehnert, C. (Eds.)
    Krieg und Frieden. Metaphern der Gewalt und der Versöhnung im christlichen Gottesdienst. Leipzig: 2022. pp. 101–130.
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  • Menzel, K.
    Einrichten ist Aneignen. Gegenstände als Zugang zur Erforschung einer veränderten Nutzung von Kirchengebäuden
    In: Roggenkamp-Kaufmann, A.; Keller, S. (Eds.)
    Die materielle Kultur der Religion. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Objekte religiöser Bildung und Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript. 2023. pp. 169–193.
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  • Menzel, K.
    Zeug:innen des Leids. Beteiligung von Betroffenen in Gottesdiensten angesichts von Krisen und Katastrophen
    In: Steger, S.; Stuflesser, M.; Weis, M.; Winter, S. (Eds.)
    Liturgie und Ekklesiologie. Reform des Gottesdienstes als Reform der Kirche. Regensburg: 2023. pp. 282–300.
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  • Menzel, K.; Deeg, A. (Eds.)
    Diakonische Kirchen(um)nutzung
    Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. 2023.
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more publications

  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Pre-Doc Award
    Menzel, Kerstin (Praktische Theologie)
    awarded in 2021 by Universität Leipzig.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Promotionsstipendium
    Menzel, Kerstin (Praktische Theologie)
    awarded in 2010 by Ev. Studienwerk Villigst.
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more awards



Contact for media inquiries

Phone: +49 341 97-35468