Dr. Almut Ketzer-Nöltge

Dr. Almut Ketzer-Nöltge

Research Fellow

Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Schwerpunkt Didaktik/Methodik
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room 1001
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 37536


Dr. Almut Ketzer-Nöltge is a research assistant at the Herder Institute. Here, she researches and teaches in the field of methodology & didactics for German as a foreign and second language with a focus on multimedia teaching and learning.

Further focal points:

- GFL in immersive environments (360°/VR)

- Teacher education

- Sentence processing in the L1 and L2 German

- Virtual Exchanges

- Vocabulary learning

- Desired difficulties in learning ("desired difficulties")

since 2016: Research Assistant, Methodology/Didactics of German as a Foreign and Second Language, Herder Institute, University of Leipzig

11/2021-09/2022: temporary professorship for GFL at the JLU Gießen

2012 - 2017: Research assistant, PhD, at the Chair of General Psychology and Instructional Psychology, University of Erfurt

2010 - 2011: DAAD Language Assistant, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

2004 - 2010: Master's Degree in German as a Foreign Language, American Studies, Hispanic Studies, University of Leipzig

Professional career

  • 11/2021 - 09/2022
    Temporary professorship for German as a Foreign Language, JLU Gießen
  • since 10/2016
    Postdoctoral Researcher at the Herder Institute, University of Leipzig (Germany), Didactics of German as a Foreign Language
  • 01/2015 - 12/2017
    Predoctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychology, Erfurt University (Germany), in the area of General Psychology and Instructional Psychology
  • 01/2012 - 12/2014
    Predoctoral Researcher in the DFG-Project: Sentence Memory as a Method of Language Assessment for Preschool Children at the Department of Psychology, Erfurt University (Germany)
  • 08/2010 - 08/2011
    German Lecturer, DAAD-Stipend (Sprachassistentin) at the Department of Languages and Culture Studies of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), USA


  • 04/2004 - 08/2010
    M.A. German as a Foreign Language, American Studies, Spanish Studies at the University of Leipzig, GermanyThesis: "The Usage of Online Dictionaries and its Influence on Reading Comprehension in German as a Second Language"
  • 04/2012 - 12/2017
    PhD at the University of Erfurt (Germany)Thesis: "Sentence Recall in German as a first and second language: Memory and cognitive performance"
  • 03/2013 - 03/2018
    Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education

Computer-based and evidence-based teaching and learning are in the focus of my research. I use both quantitative and qualitative research methods to investigate cognitive processing, metacognition and competence development. In my dissertation, I have focused on sentence processing in German as a first and second language. Here, I have investigated language processing (working memory) by means of eye tracking as well as computer-based experiments and statistical analysis. Currently, I am investigated in the research on technology-enhanced teaching and learning as well as the training of digital skills of (future) teachers. In this context, I have acquired the project "Virtual Lab - Digital Learning Places on the Test Bench", together with Christine Magosch: In an MA module, students will create digital instructional materials using 360° videos or pictures and develop lessons for foreign language teaching. In the project, both data on the application of the developed instructional materials and on the development of the digital competencies of the students is collected and evaluated.

In addition, I am currently involved in various teaching and research projects at the Herder Institut in the area of Didactics of German as a Foreign Language with Prof. Würffel, which are concerned with the digitalization of teaching and learning processes: Media concept development, MakerSpace, Virtual Exchanges.

  • Hybrid Teaching in Higher Education: Presence and Learning in Virtual Learning Environments
    Ketzer-Nöltge, Almut
    Duration: 10/2020 – 03/2021
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Schwerpunkt Didaktik/Methodik; Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kulturstudien und ihre Didaktik
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  • Virtual Lab - Digital learning sites on the test bench
    Ketzer-Nöltge, Almut
    Duration: 10/2019 – 09/2020
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Schwerpunkt Didaktik/Methodik
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  • Diruptions and Continuities - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Situation of German Studies and Related Disciplines in Ukraine
    Ketzer-Nöltge, Almut
    Duration: 12/2022 – 05/2023
    Funded by: Stiftungen Inland
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Schwerpunkt Didaktik/Methodik
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more projects

  • Ketzer-Nöltge, A.
    Satzverarbeitung in der Erst- und Zweitsprache Deutsch: Gedächtnisleistung und kognitive Belastung
    Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag. 2019.
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  • Ketzer-Nöltge, A.; Schweppe, J.; Rummer, R.
    Is the seductive details effect moderated by mood? An eye-tracking study
    Applied Cognitive Psychology. 2019. 33 (1 (Special Issue)). pp. 62–70.
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  • Ketzer-Nöltge, A.; Herzig, K.
    Unterrichtsplanungsmodelle für DaFZ aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive – Teil 1
    Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 2019. 56 (4). pp. 205–213.
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  • Ketzer-Nöltge, A.; Wolbergs, J. T. S.
    Nicht weg und nicht da – Eine Studie zum Einsatz von 360°-Video-Streaming in der Hochschullehre
    In: Barnat, M.; Bosse, E.; Szczyrba, B. (Eds.)
    Forschungsimpulse für hybrides Lehren und Lernen an Hochschulen. Köln: Cologne Open Science. 2021. pp. 33–48.
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  • Ketzer-Nöltge, A.; Markovic, M.
    Fostering Pre-Service Teachers’ Information and Critical Digital Literacy Skills through a COIL Project
    International Journal of TESOL Studies Special Issue on Teaching and Teacher Development in Technology-enhanced Language Learning.. 2022.
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more publications

  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Schwerpunkt Didaktik/Methodik
    Virtual Exchange: Fostering Digital and Global Competencies
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/09/2019
    External participating organisations: Ohio University (Athens, Ohio, USA)
    Involved persons: Ketzer-Nöltge, Almut; Hollis, Jessica L.
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more cooperations

Several instructional principles guide my teaching. The main goal is that my students will remember contents and aquire competences in a way that it will serve them for a long time (sustainable learning). For this purpose I use different (digitally enhanced) methods such as audience response systems to involve students more in the teaching and learning process (learner activation). I also integrate moments of reflection into my seminars. In order to make knowledge available on a long-term basis, I also use evidence-based methods (e.g. spacing, testing, explanatory feedback, etc.). Where applicable, I have implemented the concept of a Flipped Classroom in form of blended learning seminaries, so that basic content and concepts are being prepared by the students in an online phase preceding class. Consequently, this leaves more time during classes to discuss misunderstandings and to apply and transfer knowledge to practical problems (competence orientation). Finally, I pursue a high degree of learner orientation by considering individual learning goals, building on previous knowledge and experiences, devoting individual study times and fostering responsibility for each student's own learning.

Especially in the subject area of German as a Foreign Language, international experiences are indispensable for the professional future of my students, I therefore aspire to integrate international exchange projects inte many of my classes (i.e. Virtual Exchanges).

  • Developing and Researching Instruction: Focus Writing

    MA German as a Foreign and Second Language (Herder Institute, Leipzig University)

  • Current Trends in German as a Foreign and Second Language I: Digital media for Instruction

    MA German as a Foreign and Second Language (Herder Institute, Leipzig University)

  • Current Trends in German as a Foreign and Second Language II: Virtual Lab - 360° media for German as a Foreign and Second Languag

    MA German as a Foreign and Second Language (Herder Institute, Leipzig University)

  • Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching of Foreign Langages

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (Leipzig University)

  • Introduction to Academic Research and Writing in GFL

    BA German as a Foreign and Second Language (Leipzig University)

  • Cognition: Learning, Understanding, Memory, Thinking

    MA Psychology (University of Erfurt)

  • Instructional Design: Theories and Models

    MA Child and Youth Media (University of Erfurt)

  • Basics of Language Didactics

    MEd Elementary School & MEd Special Needs Education (University of Erfurt)

  • Design of Multimedia Learning Environments

    BA Psychology of Teaching, Learning and Training (University of Erfurt)

  • Educational Psychology: Instructional Psychology

    BA Psychology of Teaching, Learning and Training (University of Erfurt)

  • Application of Methods: Empirical Internship

    BA Psychology of Teaching, Learning and Training (University of Erfurt)

  • German Culture through Film

    BA German as a Foreign Language (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)