Christian Kaphengst

Christian Kaphengst

Research Fellow

Religionspädagogik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts
Beethovenstraße 25
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35474


Christian Kaphengst is a research assistant at the Institute for Religious Education of the University of Leipzig. As a trained high school teacher, it is his concern to reflect the education and didactics of Protestant religious education and to set new impulses for an exciting, versatile and life-oriented practice in school.

Therefore, the formation of the next generation of religious teachers is a pillar of his work. In dealing with the students, it is his privilege to prepare them for the classroom practice at the school and to give them not only appropriate methods to plan their lessons, etc., but also to reflect on the ways in which religion can and should be taught today.

At the moment, his own research focus is the religious pedagogical examination of theological future concepts with special consideration of Apocalypticism.

Professional career

  • since 11/1990
    Born in Norden, East-Frisia.
  • 01/2011 - 07/2011
    Civil service in the botanical garden in Oldenburg.
  • 03/2017 - 07/2017
    Work as school support assistance at the Diakonie (Social Welfare Association) in Leipzig.
  • 08/2017 - 02/2019
    Teacher internship and teaching practice at Internationales Gymnasium in Geithain and second state examination with distinction
  • since 04/2019
    Research assistant at the institute for religious education at the University of Leipzig.
  • 10/2019 - 08/2020
    (Substitute) teacher for ev. religion at the International Gymnasium Geithain


  • 08/1997 - 06/2010
    School, graduation from high school and higher education entrance qualification in Oldenburg
  • 10/2011 - 08/2016
    Teacher training in history and protestant religious education at the University of Leipzig.
  • 09/2016
    Completion of teacher training as Master Of Education for grammar school teachers of history and ev. religion

The main focus of his research should be to process important contents and topics for protestant religious education as practically as possible, but with a high professional demand. It is important to reflect the external conditions for a religious education in the 21st century and to integrate it into your own research. The world of digital media, a strengthened ethical-moral and identity-strengthening perspective, as well as aspects of cultural hermeneutics are to be given greater prominence.

Works in the past also dealt with rather neglected church historical topics in religious education (witches; with a perspective focussed von the Leipzig region) as well as with modern sacred art (Christ representations in Michael Triegels art) and its use in religious education.

At the moment, my own research focus is the religious pedagogical examination of theological future concepts with special consideration of Apocalypticism.

  • Dissertation project (provisional title): A religious pedagogical examination of theological concepts of the future with special reference to apocalypticism
    Lütze, Frank Michael
    Duration: 01/2020 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Religionspädagogik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts
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more projects

  • Kaphengst, C.
    Das Christentum und der Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland: eine "unheilige" Allianz? Bausteine für ein Unterrichtsvorhaben in der Sekundarstufe II
    In: Keitel, J.; Käbisch, D. (Eds.)
    Religion und Populismus. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2021. pp. 76–120.
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  • Kaphengst, C.
    Apokalypse - wenn nicht jetzt, wann dann? Bausteine für ein Unterrichtsvorhaben in der Sekundarstufe II
    In: Keitel, J.; Käbisch, D. (Eds.)
    Zukunftsangst. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht . 2023. pp. 58–95.
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more publications

Main focus of my teaching lies on training for future teachers of religious education. This includes:

  • Specialist seminars at the Gymnasium with a focus on lesson planning and didactics of the subject protestant religion as well as reflection of the held lessons

  • Seminars to deepen the contents of the lectures on religious education. With a focus on concepts of religious education, justification for protestant religious education and findings in the sociology of religion, in particular on majority religiousness in Saxony. Elements of the seminar that are more strongly related to the didactics of religion or to teaching also focus, for example, on dealing with religious practice in religious education, specific teaching methods and their reflection, and dealing with 'difficult' topics in religious education.

  • Practical training in religious education for high schools

    In this seminar, students first learn how to plan lessons in protestant religious education. After that they will gain teaching experience at actual schools while they are supported by their lecturers. The students' lessons are discussed and reflected afterwards so the students can train their competences in analyzing their own lessons and train their knowledge in the pedagogy of religious education. Writing a detailed teaching concept for one lesson stands at the end of this seminar.

  • Seminar: Introduction to the didactics of ev. religion

    The introductory seminar is designed to raise awareness of specific issues, especially those that affect religious education. What are the special features of denominational religious education? Which students do I meet in religious education? Practical theory, but also explicitly practical "tools of the trade" are to be taught in the same way to prepare students well for their first own religious instruction. 

  • Seminar: ‘Ecological Communication’ - a social science contribution to the topic of ‘Sustainability’ (led by Prof Rochus Leonhardt)

    Organisation of three sessions with an excursus on the topic of ‘Apocalypticism and sustainability’: 

    The excursus discussed the question of the extent to which the form of fear described by Luhmann in the face of ecological crises could become an apocalyptic fear (U. Körtner) and the extent to which this type of fear can also release (political) potential for action in the present and whether current debates about ecological crises generally have an apocalyptic deep structure (A. Nagel).

Research fields

Theology, Pedagogy, Religion


  • (Modern) apocalypticism and concepts of the end times, i.a. in a religious education perspective

  • Reflection and planning of Protestant religious education

  • Religious education

  • Art in religious education

  • Teacher training

Contact for media inquiries

Phone: 03419735474