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There is an ongoing protest called "Palestine Solidarity Encampment" that was registered with the city of Leipzig. It began in Lenné Park and then moved to Mendelssohn Shore Park. The campers contacted the Rectorate by email with their demands, and the Rectorate offered to meet with them for a discussion. That discussion took place on 20 June 2024. Professor Matthias Middell, Vice-Rector for Campus Development: Cooperation and Internationalisation, stated: "It was a good dialogue. We couldn’t agree on everything, but we share the hope that the fighting in Gaza will quickly come to an end."

Vice-Rectors Professor Jens-Karl Eilers and Professor Roger Gläser as well as Head of Administration and Finance Dr. Jörg Wadzack also represented the Rectorate in the discussion, which took place in one of the buildings on the Augustusplatz campus. They emphasised what Rector Eva Inés Obergfell wrote on the same day in an email to University staff and students: “Many University members are concerned about the conflict in the Middle East. What started as a horrific act of terrorism by Hamas has now turned into a war with casualties numbering in the tens of thousands. We deeply sympathise with both Israeli and Palestinian victims.”

The Vice-Rectors and Head of Administration and Finance highlighted the importance of continuing academic discourse on the conflict in the Middle East. Professor Middell stated that several researchers are currently working on public information events that will be offered in the winter semester. He invited the protesters participating in the discussion to contribute to those events. 

However, he said that the University management cannot solve the conflict, as it is not involved in foreign policy. He reminded those present that the Rectorate also has to take the concerns of Jewish students and teaching staff seriously that anti-Semitism is becoming more prevalent. Rector Obergfell emphasised that the Rectorate therefore has regular contact with the Anti-Semitism Commissioner Professor Gert Pickel, the executive board of the Student*innenRat (student council) and representatives of the Jüdische Allianz Mitteldeutschland (Jewish Alliance in Central Germany).

‘What we can and should do is provide knowledge, discuss matters with each other and support our partners in Israel and the West Bank,’ the Rector stated in her email. She also wrote: ‘Unfortunately, this debate is very heated at the moment. Moderation is necessary and in everyone’s interest. Let’s work together to prevent aggression and polarisation, instead ensuring that the discussion of arguments remains objective.’

Vice-Rector Middell stated that the nearly one-hour discussion with the protesters, who according to their own statements are three current and two future students of the University, was constructive for exactly that reason. The participants agreed to continue the dialogue in future.

The University Magazine is currently running a series of interviews in which scientists from the Leipzig University from various disciplines on topics from research and teaching on the Middle East conflict.