Vacancy from Job ID: STMH-339

The Faculty of Education seeks to fill the mentioned professorship at the earliest opportunity.

Academic context

In addition to teacher training, the University of Leipzig has been systematically developing the area of early childhood development and early education at its Faculty of Education for several years. Interdisciplinary research and transfer activities are carried out at the Leipzig Humboldt Science Center for Child Development (HumanKind) at the Faculty of Education, into which a research and teaching daycare center is integrated. In addition, research-based teaching is implemented in two master's courses (international Early Childhood Research M.Sc. course and Professionalization of Early Childhood Education M.A. course).

The W3 professorship is one of the professorships and junior professorships that research and teach at the Institute for Education and Didactics in the elementary and primary sectors. It cooperates with the Humboldt Professorship for Early Childhood Development and Health as well as the Tenure Track Professorship for the Development of Social Behavior in Early Childhood with a focus on cooperative and prosocial behavior at the Institute of Educational Sciences.

The institute's other facilities include several makerspaces, including an early education makerspace, the digital specialist cabinets "LiteracyLab" and "digital nat lab" as well as an inclusive research school garden.


In research, the professorship is intended to contribute theoretical and empirical work to further development and subject-related profiling, especially to the faculty's central research areas of "development and education in early childhood" and "professionalization" and to feed findings and methods into research-based teaching. In particular, active participation in the development of an internationally visible profile of the faculty in research and transfer on issues of child research and learning in early childhood as well as in the further development and consolidation of relevant research and cooperation structures and networks is expected.

The position is associated with taking over the management of the course including module responsibilities for the master's degree program “Professionalization of Early Childhood Education”. The position holder is responsible for the operation and conceptual development of the early education makerspace. The willingness to work on the further development of the study programs, in academic self-administration and in central committees of the faculty is expected.

Interdisciplinary networking and cooperation with the Leipzig Humboldt Science Center for Child Development (HumanKind) and participation in the implementation of the future concept of the Faculty of Education are also expected.


The holder of the position should broadly represent the subject of “Early Childhood Education” in research and teaching. We are looking for an outstanding personality with a nationally and internationally visible profile in the field of early childhood education or early childhood education research and integration into international and national research and professional networks.

The ability to connect to the connecting research strands of the Faculty of Education is also desirable.

The holder of the position should have continuous publications at a high level as well as a high international visibility of scientific achievements in the last five years in at least two of the following research areas:
a)    Area-specific learning in early childhood and quality of educational offerings
b)    Professionalization of early childhood education, care and upbringing processes
c)    Development, implementation and evaluation of early education concepts and educational interventions
d)    Designing connectable educational processes in transitions

The future holder of the position should have in-depth knowledge of university and science didactics and innovative concepts of learner-centered university teaching.

Our offer

The job holder’s rights and obligations are regulated by the Saxon Higher Education Act (SächsHSG) and the Saxon Service Regulations for Higher Education Institutions (HSDAVO). Applicants must meet the requirements of § 59 SächsHSG.

Leipzig University is committed to gender equality.

Severely disabled persons are encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

Please apply by September 6th, 2024 exclusively via Leipzig University’s recruitment portal.

Closing date: