Vacancy from Job ID: STMH-342

The Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences seeks to fill the following professorship at 1. October 2025:

Academic context

The position is based at the interdisciplinary Institute for the Study of Culture. The future holder of the position will represent the subject of cultural sociology in a broad range of research and teaching.


The position involves the management of the teaching and research unit of cultural sociology. Teaching responsibilities include a large proportion of undergraduate and postgraduate training in the field of cultural sociology in both the BA and MA "Scientific Study of Culture". Introductory and topic-specific courses and application-oriented training in qualitative methods of social research are expected here. The duties also include participation in academic self-administration, the active acquisition of third-party funding and the development of interdisciplinary (including international) research collaborations.


Proven knowledge of classical and modern (cultural-)sociological theory is expected, as well as relevant experience in the field of qualitative social research. In-depth knowledge and own research in (at least) two of the following areas are desirable: religion, city, migration, gender, cultural or political field (actors, conflicts, institutions).

In accordance with the orientation of the Institute for the Study of Culture, a strong commitment to interdisciplinary cooperation with cultural philosophy, cultural history and cultural management is expected, as well as a willingness to participate in the research priorities of the faculty and university.

Proof of a relevant professional qualification (habilitation or equivalent) in the subject of sociology is required.

Beyond that is expected:

  • internationally visible activities and experience in the field of research, strong publication and lecture activity, successful acquisition of third-party funding and international cooperations,
  • promotion of young academics,
  • many years of experience in the field of teaching (especially methods training),
  • Activities and experience in the area of transfer of knowledge.

The following are also desirable:

  • special evidence of qualifications in teaching,
  • the ability and willingness to engage in continuing education, to use new forms of teaching and learning as well as the ability and willingness to engage in public relations work.

Our offer

The job holder’s rights and obligations are regulated by the Saxon Higher Education Act (SächsHSG) and the Saxon Service Regulations for Higher Education Institutions (HSDAVO). Applicants must meet the requirements of § 59 SächsHSG.

Leipzig University is committed to gender equality.

Severely disabled persons are encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

Please apply by October 11th, 2024 exclusively via Leipzig University’s recruitment portal.  

Closing date: