How to find your job! Recognise skills and find suitable jobs
The workshop aims to identify the participants' own skills and recognise how they can be used outside the academic labour market to help them develop their professional future.
For many academics with a doctorate, the question arises as to whether they should continue to work on their academic career - or not. After all, pursuing a career in science in Germany means successfully pursuing the path to a professorship. The figures show that it is the exception rather than the rule that doctoral graduates remain in academia for the long term. It therefore always makes sense to have a plan B and to know alternatives. The aim of the workshop is to identify your own competences (professional and personal competences) and to clarify how you can find suitable positions on the non-academic labour market in line with this competence profile. This should enable participants to develop further ideas after the workshop about the form and content of their future careers. They should also be encouraged to take the next steps.