Date/Time: to
Type: Workshop/Seminar
Location: Online und Präsenz je nach Termin

Finishing a dissertation is a challenge - in this workshop we will find ways to deal with it.

Dates and Registration

  1. This workshop will be held online.
    26.11.2024 | 09:00 - 15:30   Register here 
  2. This workshop will be held face to face.
    11.02.2025 | 09:00 - 16:30   Register here 

You can register for the event six weeks before the event starts from 9am. With your registration you agree to our terms and conditions.

Depending on the date either online or at the Villa Tillmanns, Wächterstraße 30, 04107 Leipzig

Dr. Annika Bartsch, Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf

Target Group
Doctoral researchers

Number of Participants

Course Description
Between 30 and 50 percent of all doctoral researchers in Germany do not finish their theses. There are many reasons for that, but most of them can be eliminated. In this workshop you will learn how to focus on finishing your dissertation as early as possible. The workshop covers the following topics:

• Planning and goal setting: Why is it so important to set smart goals? How do you plan your time efficiently? Why do long-term plans often not work, but it still makes sense to have them? And how can you turn a long-term plan into structured action in everyday life?
• The writing process: How can writing the dissertation or the individual publications be tackled early enough? How can you structure your writing process? How can you overcome writer’s blocks?
• Motivation and procrastination: Where to get the motivation to finish? What demotivates and blocks you? What solutions are there to deal with motivation blocks and procrastination?
• Unclear expectations: What do you yourself and what do your supervisors expect from the dissertation? How can expectations be clarified and communicated?
• Planning and preparing your next steps: What are your next tasks and steps and what do you need to complete them successfully?

0,5 Credit Points can be obtained by attending this course. Please contact your faculty for the recognition of performance for the doctoral degree.


Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf
Freelance trainer and coach | Co-founder of Career counselling for academics | Several years of experience in science management, i. a. as a commissioner for appointment procedures and as head of university didactics at the University of Jena

Dr. Annika Bartsch
Freelance trainer and coach for career planning of academics | Experience in research and teaching as well as in science management, especially in the promotion of young researchers at the Graduate Academy Jena