Date/Time: to, 09:00 to 17:00
Type: Workshop/Seminar, Online

With discipline and commitment, scientific writing is a skill that can be learned and mastered. In this workshop, we develop a set of "how-to" strategies for writing journal articles and theses, and for increasing writing productivity.

The workshop is offered several times:

  1. This workshop will be held online.
    17.10.2024 | 09:00 - 17:00
    18.10.2024 | 09:00 - 17:00   Register here 
  2. This workshop will be held face to face.
    18.02.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00
    19.02.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00   Register here 

You can register for the event six weeks before the event starts from 9am. With your registration you agree to our terms and conditions.


Dr. Andrea Sanchini

Target Group
Doctoral researchers and Postdocs
The workshop is especially useful for doctoral researchers of Natural and Life Sciences faculties at any stage. Postdocs can also take advantage of the workshop since they can improve their writing skills and productivity.

Number of Participants

Course Description

This workshop takes a comprehensive approach to the writing process by offering a broader perspective that goes beyond traditional technical writing skills.

Participants will not only focus on technical skills like structuring a scientific article or constructing clear and concise sentences, but they will cover also issues of writing productivity, developing habits and mindset, using tools properly to assist them in writing, exploring self-management techniques for staying motivated throughout the writing process and discussing the role of procrastination and perfectionism in writing.

By addressing all of these factors in the workshop, participants can gain a more well-rounded understanding of what it takes to be a successful writer.
Included Topics:

  • Common challenges and misunderstandings in scientific writing
  • How to organise the flow of information
  • The sections of a scientific article
  • The stages of the writing process
  • Different types of writers
  • Techniques and AI-based software/tools to increase writing productivity
  • Clear scientific writing
  • Teamwork with co-authors and supervisors
  • Motivational tools to increase writing productivity
  • Procrastination and perfectionism in writing

Note for participants: During this workshop, you will work on your own writing project. This writing project could be part of your current (or your next) journal article, or part of your thesis. Therefore, please choose in advance which text you wish to work on during the workshop.

1 Credit Point can be obtained by attending this course. Please contact your faculty for the recognition of performance for the doctoral degree.


  • Dr. Andrea Sanchini
  • is a trainer in scientific writing and publishing. In July 2017, he completed his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences. Since May 2018, he is a certified writing trainer and coach, having completed a training at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. He has more than ten years of experience as a researcher in the field of Life Sciences and as such, can fully understand the needs and problems facing scientists and especially Ph.D. candidates. As a scientist, he experienced the challenges of writing and publishing journal articles with limited time and limited funding. While enrolled in an international Ph.D. graduate school in Berlin, he had the chance to receive formal training in scientific writing and publishing. Andrea has worked in Public Health institutions and universities in Italy, France, Germany, and India. He is fluent in English and German and his native language is Italian. For more information: