The idea for the project resulted from the observation, that students find it difficult to relate and apply diversity-reflective perspectives to concrete situations of educational practice. However, this is indispensable for diversity-reflective school practice, which aims to reduce exclusive mechanisms as best as possible. In the project, therefore, video-based teaching/learning materials for the theory-practice linkage of diversity-reflective content are developed together with students and made available as OER materials. To this end, students and teachers will use the Canva tool to visualize typical situations in animated videos and combine them with interactive tasks to create media packages that can be used and designed. The media packages, which can be used in a modular fashion, include spontaneous as well as reflected decisions for actions in critical situations. In order to facilitate the use of the media packages in other seminars and (continuing) education contexts, we are also working with the students to develop additional analysis and reflection tasks as well as a handout that will provide lecturers in other courses with information on the possible uses of the video and the tasks. The video, assignments and handout constitute a media package. DAWLS thus promotes the action, reflection and digital competence of (prospective) teachers in a participatory and sustainable fashion on their way to dealing professionally with diversity in educational institutions.
The project consists of two phases:
- Development phase: In winter semester 22/23, a project seminar in the teaching degree program at the Institute of Educational Sciences will focus on the diversity-reflective creation of media packages.
- Testing phase: Starting in summer semester 23, DaF/Z students at the Herder Institute and prospective teachers at the Institute of Educational Sciences will test selected work products, redesign them and thereby train their diversity-reflective modification competence required for the teaching profession.
The project is funded by a tandem fellowship for the further development of digitized higher education at Saxon universities and by the Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus (SMWK).
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by mail at Alina Auerswald.