Become a member of the ever-growing neuroscientific community in Leipzig

We welcome

  • Doctoral candidates in the neurosciences and psychology who want to benefit from the expertise of the scientific community in Leipzig. Apply by writing to the scientific coordinator. The only prerequisites are : 1) a thesis advisory committee (TAC), and 2) entry in a doctoral list of the respective home faculty. If you are in a competitive PhD program (DFG GRK, IMPRS), please let us know.
  • Postdocs with background in the neurosciences or psychology who want to gain supervision experience, become part of a TAC, or join courses organized by the school. Apply by writing to the scientific coordinator.
  • Principal investigators that enroll their doctoral students in the school.

Impressions from TAC meetings

Find out about our doctoral candidates' experiences with TACs. They talk about how to choose members of a TAC, what is being discussed during meetings and what are the benefits of having a TAC.

TAC impressions - Ole Bialas

TAC impressions - Ole Bialas

TAC impressions - Charlotte Schulz

TAC impressions - Charlotte Schulz

TAC impressions - Alessandro Braga

TAC impressions - Alessandro Braga

TAC impressions - Ole Bialas (in German)

TAC impressions - Ole Bialas (in German)

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Open Positions

Research Group Jais

PhD Position in Neurobiology and Metabolic Research (f/m/x)

more information

Further reading

Brain Dynamics concept

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Participating principal investigators

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Participating institutes

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