Date/Time: to, 10:00 to 17:00
Location: Strohsackpassage R3.29

The Writing Marathon gives you the opportunity to work intensely on a writing project for five days. You will leave your regular everyday life behind you and make great strides with your project, all while working in an ideal writing environment.

The Writing Marathon gives you the opportunity to work intensely on a writing project for five days. You will leave your regular everyday life behind you and make great strides with your project, all while working in an ideal writing environment. Each day will have a specific schedule that consists of set writing phases and breaks, as well as time to discuss your project and get new ideas. In addition, there will be input and wrap-up sessions and the opportunity for you to set daily and weekly goals for your writing project. As needed, you can also sign up for writing and/or statistics consultations at the Language Clinic. You will write at a desk in a well-lit room, and coffee, tea, water, and snacks will be provided.

Register on TOOL (opens March 19)