Are you a female student at Leipzig University? Is the topic of organising your studies successfully or starting a career on your agenda? Are you studying with a disability or chronic illness? Then apply for t.e.a.m. ability!


This programme provides active support for successful studies and for your transition to professional life. Take advantage of workshops that are geared towards your requirements, establish key networks and shape your future (study) path together with other students and mentors.

t. – stands for training

Workshops are held that focus on the participants’ needs. For example, applying for jobs, legal aspects of working with a disability, seminars on personal assessment to clarify individually where I currently am in my studies? What do I need to successfully complete my studies?

e. – stands for expertise

To gain an insight into the world of work and its formal and informal structures and potential obstacles, knowledge is needed – in short: expertise. In live talk sessions or round tables, managers from the fields that interest the mentees take part in the conversation and answer their questions. This gives them an insight into what goes on both in front of and behind the scenes in the various sectors.

a. – stands for alliances

As a participant in the t.e.a.m. programme, you will have the opportunity to take part in networking evenings where you can meet and exchange ideas with successful women working both within and outside Leipzig University. In addition, speakers who have started their careers faced with similar challenges will be invited to attend. You will get to share experiences and inspiring personal stories in an informal atmosphere.

m.- stands for mentoring

The programme provides a more practice-based insight into the world of work or an academic career. A major component of this is individual mentoring with an experienced specialist or manager from a field of work where the applicants see themselves in the future. In this context, an insight into this field is provided and, as part of the personal exchange between mentee and the mentor, reports are given on experiences and career stages on the path to the relevant position. In addition, it provides space for the mentee to ask personal questions about her own career development.

t.e.a.m. – great, someone else is doing it?!

No: t.e.a.m. ability thrives on the involvement of our participants. The more information you share with us about your interests during the programme, the better we can adapt the programme and the mentoring to them, and the more questions you ask, the more answers you will receive.


The current call for applications allows participation in the programme from June 2023 to June 2024. After reviewing all application submissions, the project management invites for personal selection interviews.

Deadline for applications

The extendet application period will be until 15 February 2023. The programme creation takes place in close exchange with the mentees. Let us know your wishes and areas of interest in the profile form for the application to t.e.a.m. ability so that we can create a suitable programme for all mentees.


Send us your application by email (in a PDF document, max. 5 MB) to by 15 February 2023. All information will be treated confidentially. Please note that threats to confidentiality and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating by unencrypted e-mail.

Basically, the following documents are required for application:

  • Application form (Download)
  • Letter of motivation (1 page)
  • curriculum vitae

For your information, please find here the data protection sheet for participation in the t.e.a.m. programme. (Download)


 Johanna Ludwig

Johanna Ludwig

Project Team Member

Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Familie
Nikolaistraße 10, Room 3.38
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 30094
Fax: +49 341 97 - 31130090