t.e.a.m. basecamp offers female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in coordinated DFG collaborative projects impulses and empowerment in personal and professional terms. Participants benefit from the t.e.a.m. modules of training, expertise, alliances and mentoring as well as networking across alliances.


The programme line t.e.a.m. basecamp started from 2021-2023 as a pilot project and focus on cross-project networking and the creation of synergies. The programne line promotes cross-disciplinary and cross-qualification collaborations and exchanges of female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers within the DFG joint projects as well as within the scientific community of the Leipzig University.


An essential component are the workshops tailored to the scientific field, which, in addition to leadership and scientific competence, also address personal career planning. The training sessions, which usually last one day, are offered by proven experts. In addition, the selection of topics for the workshops is specially designed for the qualification levels of the participants and is adapted according to need.


In order to make the institutional realities of our university and the existing expertise accessible, the Expertise roundtable was integrated as a programme component. Here, experts and executives from the administration and academia of our university are in discussion to provide specific insights into university operations and to give a face to relevant structural areas. In this way, participants become better acquainted with the workings of the institutions most important to their academic careers - for example, the area of research funding and financing.


The networking evenings offer a broader perspective. There, participants meet women who, as successful role models, offer insight into their careers in business, culture and politics. In an informal atmosphere, participants exchange experiences with women with professional experience and inspiring biographies.


During the course of the project, participants have the opportunity to take advantage of up to 10 topic-specific mentoring sessions. Depending on their needs and personal and professional interests, individual mentoring sessions are arranged with leaders from academia, business, public administration, non-university research institutions and other institutions.

Information for mentees

The t.e.a.m. basecamp programme line is aimed exclusively at female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in coordinated DFG joint projects at the Leipzig University. Participation is possible at any time. The participation fee is covered by DFG equality funds from the collaborative projects. This programme line is integrated into the current six t.e.a.m. programme lines, which cover all qualification levels from student to postdoc. Openness to networking with female scientists from the other t.e.a.m. programme lines is therefore desirable. To make this possible, appointments will be announced well in advance, if possible, and participation in events can be accepted as needed. At the start, mentees receive a briefing to help them understand mentoring and their role in the programme. Throughout the duration of the programme, project management and coordination are available to provide support.

During face-to-face events, it is possible to make use of free childcare. In order to ensure that this can be organized, the programme coordinator will ask about the need for childcare at an early stage of each event. In addition, other needs with regard to accessibility, such as assistance requirements or sign language interpretation, can be specified.

Information for Mentors

With t.e.a.m. basecamp, a programme line for female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in DFG-funded collaborative projects was established at the Leipzig University, which supports the participants for the respective funding period. Since the mentees have many questions that, in contrast to the programme participation, often need to be answered in the short term, the mentoring in this programme line differs from the classic, longer-term mentoring principle: Instead of being accompanied by a mentor for several months, the participants can name potential focal topics and/or subject disciplines and then receive selective support in the form of a one-to-one meeting.

The effort for mentors is limited: The active part, such as preparing the content of the appointment and selecting the topic, belongs to the mentee. The date of the meeting is set together. The time and effort required for such a mentoring meeting is limited to approximately 2 hours. If there is a need for exchange beyond the one meeting, further meetings can be discussed by mutual agreement. It is also possible to receive a mentoring briefing in advance.


The binding registration is via coordination of your DFG project at the Leipzig University.

Conditions of participation

  • Female doctoral or postdoctoral researchers in DFG collaborative projects
  • Flexible participation in the programme and events
  • Opportunity to speak with up to 10 mentors on specific topics
  • Openness to networking with female researchers from the other t.e.a.m. lines
  • Strengthening of the participants with regard to their own mentoring role
  • Mentoring briefing at the beginning of the programme
  • Participation fee covered by the DFG equality funds of the joint project


After we have received information about your participation from the DFG project coordination, we will contact you. In the next step, please fill out the registration form and submit it together with your CV and the privacy statement form (DSGVO) via the contact details below. Once we have received your documents, we will invite you to a "get-to-know-you" interview.
