Tone Dissimilation - Summer Semester 2022
Jochen Trommer
Module 04-046-2014 Suprasegmental Phonology • Thursday 09:15-10:45 NSG S 411
Literature |
Moodle |
Whereas dissimilation is not very frequent for consonants and rather rare in vowels, it is a pervasive typological process for tone, showing extensive crosslinguistic diversity. Theoretically, tone dissimilation also has played the crucial role for one of the most important and debated phonological constraints, the Obligatory Contour Principle. In this course, we look at the broad spectrum of tonal dissimilation processes including apparently morphologized versions in tonal polarity, their interaction with other phonological processes (e.g. tone spreading and shifting), and their embedding in hierarchical morphological and syntactic domains, both from a typological and theoretical perspective. Tone dissimilation is also closely related to the twin course on lexical accent systems since competition among accents in tone accent languages can also be understood as a type of dissimilation.
Preliminary Program
Theoretical Topics | Paper 1 | Paper 2 | Paper 3 |
The OCP: | Myers (1997) | Odden (1986) | |
Tone Polarity: | Cahill (2004) | Pulleyblank (1986) | Kouneli & Nie (2020) |
Locality: | Odden (1994) | | |
Dissimilation & Spreading: | Yokwe (1986) | | |
Dissimilation & Shifting: | Patin (2017) | | |
Beyond H-tones: | Meyase (2021) | Trommer (2021) | |
| Chen (2004) | Hyman & van Bik (2004) | |
The OCP and its Effects
- Myers, S. (1997) OCP effects in Optimality Theory. NLLT, 15(4):847–892.
- Odden, D. (1986). On the role of the Obligatory Contour Principle in phonological theory. Language, 62:353-383.
Locality of Dissimilation
- Odden, D. (1994). Adjacency parameters in phonology. Language, 70:289-330.
- Suzuki, K. (1998) A typological investigation of dissimilation. PhD thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Beyond High tones
- Clark, M. M. (1990). The tonal system of Igbo. Foris, Dordrecht. (Low tone disimilation)
- Gjersøe, S. M. (2019). Tonal Interactions in Nuer Nominal Inflection. PhD thesis, Universität Leipzig. (Low tone disimilation)
- Picanço, Gessiane Lobato (2005) MundurukuÌ: Phonetics, phonology, synchrony, diachrony.
Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia. (Low tone disimilation)
- Meyase, S. M. (2020). Tone Polarity, Tone Features, and Tonal Representation in the Four-level Tone System of Tenyidie. PhD thesis, Universität Leipzig. (Mid tone dissimilation)
- Meyase, S. M. (2021). Polarity in a four-level tone language: tone features in Tenyidie. Phonology. (Sub-tone disimilation)
- Trommer, J. (2021) Gestalt Contours, Polarity and Construction-specific Phonology in Gaahmg. Ms., Universität Leipzig (Mid and subtone dissimilation).
- Chen, M. (2004). Tone sandhi patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Contour Dissimilation, chapter 3 on Tianjin)
- Hyman, Larry M. and Kenneth VanBik (2004) Directional rule application and output problems in Hakha Lai tone. Language and Linguistics 5.821-861. (Contour Dissimilation)
- Larry M. Hyman (2021) Allomorphy and Tonal Opacity at the Phrase Level in Kuki-Thaadow. Talk at the Princeton Phonology Forum 2021 (Contour Dissimilation).
The Interaction of Tone Dissimilation with Tone Spreading
- Yokwe, E. M. (1986) The tonal grammar of Bari. PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Pulleyblank, D. (1986). Tone in Lexical Phonology. Reidel, Dordrecht. (on Tiv)
- Snider, K. L. (1990). Tonal upstep in Krachi: Evidence for a register tier. Language, 66(3):453-474.
- Ozerov, P. (2018). Tone assignment and grammatical tone in Anal (Tibeto-Burman). Studies in Language, 42(3):708-733.
- Larry M. Hyman (2021) Allomorphy and Tonal Opacity at the Phrase Level in Kuki Thaadow. Talk at the Princeton Phonology Forum 2021.
... and with Tone Shifting
- Myers, S. (1997) OCP effects in Optimality Theory. NLLT, 15(4):847–892 (on Rimi).
- CeÌdric Patin (2017) Tone and Intonation in Shingazidja. In: Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland (eds.) Intonation in African Tone Languages. Mouton de Gruyter, 285-322.
Iterativity and Directionality
- Myers, S. (1997) OCP effects in Optimality Theory. NLLT, 15(4):847-892
- CeÌdric Patin (2017) Tone and Intonation in Shingazidja. In: Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland (eds.) Intonation in African Tone Languages. Mouton de Gruyter, 285-322.
- Hyman, Larry M. (2021) Allomorphy and Tonal Opacity at the Phrase Level in Kuki Thaadow. Talk at the Princeton Phonology Forum 2021.
- Hyman, Larry M. and Kenneth VanBik (2004) Directional rule application and output problems in Hakha Lai tone. Language and Linguistics 5.821-861. (Contour Dissimilation)
- Chen, M. (2004). Tone sandhi patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (chapter 3, on Tianjin)
Tone Polarity
- Pulleyblank, D. (1986). Tone in Lexical Phonology. Reidel, Dordrecht. (on Margi)
- Cahill, M. (2004) Tone Polarity in Konni nouns. Studies in African Linguistics 33(1)
- Kouneli, M. & Y. Nie (2020) Across-the-board tonal polarity in Kipsigis, Ms.
- Stirtz, T. M. (2012). Polar tone of Laarim, a Surmic language of Sudan. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, 79–89, Somerville MA. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
- Meyase, S. M. (2021). Polarity in a four-level tone language: tone features in tenyidie. Phonology.
- Kenstowicz, M., Nikiema, E., and Ourso, M. (1988). Tone polarity in two Gur languages. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 18(1):77– 103.
- Antilla, A. and Bodomo, A. (2000). Tone polarity in Dagaare. In Carstens, V. and Parkinson, F., editors, Advances in African Linguistics. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference on African Linguistics at Cornell University, 119–134, Trenton, NJ. Africa World Press.
- Pulleyblank, D. (1986). Tone in Lexical Phonology. Reidel, Dordrecht (on Margi).
- Hantgan, A. (2009). Does tone polarity exist? evidence from plural formation among Bangime nouns. Indiana University Working Papers in Linguistics, 8:69-83.
- Otterloo, K. V. (2014). Tonal melodies in the kifuliiru verbal system. Africana Linguistica, 20:385–403.
- Ozerov, P. (2018). Tone assignment and grammatical tone in Anal (Tibeto-Burman). Studies in Language, 42(3):708-733.
- Meyase, S. M. (2020). Tone Polarity, Tone Features, and Tonal Representation in the Four-level Tone System of Tenyidie. PhD thesis, Universität Leipzig. (also on Yoruba, Mono, etc.)
- Trommer, J. (2021) Gestalt Contours, Polarity and Construction-specific Phonology in Gaahmg. Ms., Universität Leipzig.
- Wolf, Matthew (2005) An Autosegmental Theory of Quirky Mutations. Proceedings of WCCFL 24, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA:370-378.
- Trommer, J. (2015) Anticyclic Tone Polarity in Asante Twi, Tromsø Spellout Workshop, April 2015.
- Trommer, J. (2016) Polarity, Floating Tones and the OCP in Anywa, OCP 13 Budapest, Januar 2016.
- Trommer, J. (2014) Morphophonological Tone Polarity and Phonological Opacity, Vortrag am
University College London, März 2014 (on Konni and Dioula).
- Trommer, J. (2005a) Tone Polarity in Kanuri.Phonology Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Mai 2005.
Jochen Trommer
Institut für Linguistik
Universität Leipzig
jtrommer [æt]
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