The Phonology of Clitics
Winter-Semester 2024/25 • Modul 04-006-1009 Theorie und Praxis sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung • Donnerstag 9:15-10:45 • NSG, S 322
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Clitics are a dazzling, heterogeneous, elusive non-category somewhere between affixes and independent words. The goal of this course is to give an overview over the phonology of clitics
- Anderson, S. R. (2005). Aspects of the theory of clitics. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Judith L. Klavans (1985) The Independence of Syntax and Phonology in Cliticization.
Language 61(1):95-120.
- Zwicky, A. M. and Pullum, G. K. (1983). Clitizization vs. inflection: English n't. Language, 59:502-13.
- Zwicky, A.M. (1985) Clitics and Particles. Language 61(2):283-305.
- Martin Haspelmath (2023) Types of clitics in the world’s languages. Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads3-2: 1-59.
- Cysouw, M. (2005) Morphology in the wrong place: A survey of preposed
enclitics. In W. U. Dressler, D. Kastovsky, O. E. Pfeiffer & Rainer, F. (eds.), Morphology and its demarcations: Selected papers from the 11th
Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2004, 17-37. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Clitics and Strata
- Bonet, E. and Lloret, M.-R. (2005). Against serial evaluation in Optimality Theory. Lingua, 115:1303-1323.
- Rubach, J. (2011). Syllabic repairs in Macedonian. Lingua, 121(2):237-268.
- Hualde, J. I. (1989). The strict cycle condition and noncyclic rules. Linguistic Inquiry, 20(4):675-680.
- Halle, M. and Kenstowicz, M. (1991). The free element condition and cyclic versus noncyclic stress. Linguistic Inquiry, 22(3):457-501.
- Bermúdez-Otero, R. and Luis, A. (2009). Cyclic domains and prosodic spans in the phonology of european portuguese functional morphs. Handout, Old World Conference in Phonology 6, Edinburgh, 24 January 2009.
- Dawson, Virginia (2017) Optimal clitic placement in Tiwa.Proceedings of NELS 47, 243-256.
- Emily Clem, Nicholas Rolle & Virginia Dawson (2023)
Displacement as a response to non-local allomorphy:
Evidence from Tiwa, Ms.
Clitic clusters
- Bonet, E. and Lloret, M.-R. (2005). Against serial evaluation in Optimality Theory. Lingua, 115:1303-1323.
- Noyer, R. (2001) Clitic Sequences in Nunggubuyu and PF Convergence
NLLT 19:751-826.
Clitics and the Prosodic Hierarchy
- Selkirk, E. (1995). The prosodic structure of function words. In Papers in Optimality Theory, volume 18 of University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers, pages 439-469. Amherst: University of Massachusetts.
- Peperkamp, S. (1997). Prosodic Words. PhD thesis, Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics.
- Nespor, M. and Vogel, I. (1986). Prosodic Phonology. Foris Publications, Dodrecht. (chapter 5: The Clitic Group)
- Kaisse, E. M. (1985) Connected speech: the interaction of syntax and phonology. Academic Press., New York. chapters 3+4.
- Belkind, A. (2023) Prominence as an anchor for a clitic: prosody-sensitive placement of the conditional subordinator ki in Kazym Khanty. Glossa 8(1):1-48.
- Weisser, Ph. (2022) How Germans move their 'but's'. A case of Prosodic Inversion across phrases. In: Proceedings of NELS 50.
- Ryan Bennett R., Elfner, E. & McCloskey, J. (2016) Lightest to the Right: An Apparently Anomalous Displacement in Irish. LI 47(2):169-234
Clitics and Morphosyntax
- Bermúdez-Otero, R. and Payne, J. (2011). There are no special clitics. In Galani, A., Hicks, G., and Tsoulas, G., editors, Morphology and its interfaces, volume 178 of Linguistik Aktuell, pages 57-96. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- Iosad, P. (2014). The phonology and morphosyntax of Breton mutation. Lingue e linguaggio, 13(1):23-42.
- Alec Marantz (1988) Clitics, Morphological Merger, and the Mapping to Phonological Structure
In Michael Hammond & Michael Noonan (eds.) Theoretical Morphology, 253-270.
- Embick, D. & Noyer, R. (2001) Movement operations after syntax. Linguistic Inquiry, 32(4):555-595.
Second-position clitics
- Chung, Sandra. 2003. The syntax and prosody of weak pronouns in Chamorro. Linguistic Inquiry 34. 547-599.
- Benjamin Bruening (2021) Second Position Clitics: Syntax Can See Phonology. Ms., University of Delaware
- Julie Anne Legate (2008) Warlpiri and the theory of second position clitics. NLLT 26:3-60
- Stephen R. Anderson (2008) English Reduced Auxiliaries Really are Simple Clitics. Linguistics.
- Kaisse, Ellen M. (1981) Separating Phonology from Syntax: A Reanalysis of Pashto Cliticization. Journal of Linguistics 17(2):197-208.
Jochen Trommer
Institut für Linguistik
Universität Leipzig
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